deathknight1728: I appreciate your support. I have another friend ive known since highschool who is not as easy to talk to, but is much more relaxed and reserved. We get along quite a bit and have alot in common. Lately since i am looking for a girl to take things slow with, i need a guy i can talk to. Im not the biggest dater or master in relationships but i know a decent amount. This is another thing that has been annoying me. Besides my friend i just described, ive been dealing with perverts and gay people annoying me. I have no problems with gay guys, so long as they dont push that stuff on me. My grandfather has gotten this guy from the veterans organization to clean up on the house. Now i am naturally nice to everyone i meet. He gives me his number and the next thing he starts saying is that i am very special to him, he wants some advice for his wife. Ive got news for him-i dont even have a wife, i am 20 years old and am not even close to wanting to get married. Me and my dad think he is gay. Thats the kinda stuff that creeps me out.
I had another friend 2 years earlier flat out told me he wants to have sex with my 9 year old sister and my 17 year old brother. Im thinking what the hell is with these people. I have no problem with people that are gay, but people that push that stuff like those mentioned should get the electric chair, no trial.
Electric chair for giving you their number or scting like total creeps? Damn, remind me never to elect you to office. :P
But seriously, i'm hoping for the best for you and hope you do well in life. GL. :)
P.S. Yeah your friend is a total perv and weirdo, but if he'd asked about a 16 yr old sister i'da been like "is she hot?" as a reply....I ain't even gonna lie.