misteryo: Hmmm... Were you alone? Were there other people there who also think you had a nervous breakdown?
My girlfriend witnessed it. She was already asleep when it began. I went to bed almost instantly, hoping that I would fall asleep soon but of course I couldn't. I kept turning, sweating and breathing heavily, like in a panic attack (I think it actually was one), and woke her up in the process. I'm just glad she reacted rather calmly, although she did ask me whether she should call an ambulance the moment she woke up, apparently worried that I was suffocating or something. She certainly saw that it was pretty serious and was still worried today.
I couldn't fall asleep for three hours, I was overwhelmed by these incredibly pessimistic uncontrollable thoughts which were triggered by something extremely trivial. The whole day was actually pretty rough for no good reason, ridiculous stuff like a torn shoelace or a woman cutting in line at the grocery store seriously disturbed me and in the evening I ultimately just lost it over another minor thing. Crazy stuff.
I just kept hoping that everything would be okay the moment I wake up and incredibly enough it actually was. My mood was almost suspiciously good considering what happened the night before, ironically that's why I'm worried. "The harder they fall"...
misteryo: If you think something's actually wrong, you know, see somebody who knows something about such things.
I definitely would if something like that happened again. Anyway, thanks for caring.
And now I *really* need to go to bed if I'm going to get some sleep.