grimwerk: My
mildew is killing my zucchini plant complaint seems a bit silly now.
As I've said before, everyone has the right to be miserable. Degrees of misery don't matter as it's all personal. Just because I and fr33kSh0w2012 are obviously miserable now doesn't mean that no one else is allowed to be unhappy/ in an abject state of misery. Someone's pet dies, and they have no other companion. They're allowed and should mourn for them as if a family member had died. Because to them personally, that pet was family.
Unhappiness is NEVER silly, nor is it selfish, if it's mildew killing a zucchini plant or being abused by a parent or losing your job or having a pet die or any other form of unhappiness.
By the same degree, everyone has the right to be happy. Just because someone is miserable doesn't mean you can't and shouldn't be happy.
So, if you can, find that little bit of happiness in your life or make that little bit of happiness every day. It's worth it.
triage.365: I'm kinda mad that GOG appended a .365 at the end of my account name. It was originally just "triage"
With the last site update, a glitch happened in that some users' handles were "added to". Report it to Support and they'll fix it for you very quickly. After the weekend though. :)