Posted June 26, 2014

December last year, my cat had problems with its tooth ridge. It was nothing major, luckily, but I was still worried. Anyway, the vet wanted to see him quite regular, which is why the little guy is afraid of the transportation box.
And now I've got a brand new problem with my cat. When I woke up this morning, there was something wrong with the tip of his tail. The fur feels glued and neither of us knows why. My roommate told me there was noise in the garage last night and I was looking there if something fell or if there is blood. I couldn't find anything. I even can't tell if the tail is bloody, since the little guy is black! It could be blood, glue or some other sticky liquid, for all I know. (My roommate dropped jogurt on the kitchen floor, bit she cleaned everythign up as far as I know and cant' remember if the cat's were nearby when that happened).
Worse, when we get to close to the tip of his tail, my cat makes an ached back, starts to hiss and attacks.
And we don'T know what happened. I can'T take him to the vet, as he would go into hiding or just agve us trouble going into the transportation box - and currently I don't even have the money if it was something serious. Luckily July is around the corner.
But we are worried now that my cat jammed his tail in a door and that the possible injury could turn into something ugly. Esspecially me.
Post edited June 26, 2014 by monkeydelarge