HereForTheBeer: Incoming wall-o'-text bitch.
grimwerk: I often read your posts and wonder what type of machinery you install and maintain. I'd ruled out something mundane like HVAC or refrigeration as there's definitely someone nearer than the hundreds of miles you seem to travel. This post has more clues than usual. Now I assume it's machining of some sort, but 0.005" seems pretty average for a CNC mill or lathe, and too accurate for something like a 20-year-old waterjet.
Anyway, no need to reveal the secret. Maybe I'll be able to piece it together from your next story.
You got me curious, so I googled +/-0.008" (0.2mm) machine and a bunch of possibilities came up.
Soooo...could it be Cold-Roll forming machine ? Whatever that is ?!! :)
HereForTheBeer: Incoming wall-o'-text bitch.
grimwerk: I often read your posts and wonder what type of machinery you install and maintain. I'd ruled out something mundane like HVAC or refrigeration as there's definitely someone nearer than the hundreds of miles you seem to travel. This post has more clues than usual. Now I assume it's machining of some sort, but 0.005" seems pretty average for a CNC mill or lathe, and too accurate for something like a 20-year-old waterjet.
Anyway, no need to reveal the secret. Maybe I'll be able to piece it together from your next story.
You have my curiosity up now, so I googled and many possibilities came up. Could it be:
A Cold-Roll Forming machine ?
(whatever that is ?)