Posted May 07, 2014

At the same time, our personal email account decided to stop sending email; receives fine but no send. Two different PCs, two different mail programs. Webmail sorta works except that the mails get wiped from the server once read, even though I set the options in both Opera and Thunderbird to keep the emails on the server. Tried using the ISPs help form after going through all of their online troubleshooting steps and they give me a generic "go to this page and try the things listed there" reply. Thanks. If you READ my trouble ticket you'd see I did all that shit, and then some. And since you replied via email and I stupidly checked it using Opera, I now can't view and reply to your message using webmail - since it got yanked from the server.
Screw it. Gonna finally put some use to the personal website we're paying for that sits empty (2-for-1 deal with my business site) and create some addresses there. Fortunately those emails DO stay on the server until I trash 'em.
Ever wonder why modern-day conveniences really aren't?

Amateur-tip: don't play either Carmageddon game the night before your test.