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HereForTheBeer: Today's bitch (A bitch a day keeps the doctor away!) is directed at myself: I really need to better market the parts-sales side of my business; this is in progress, albeit slowly. Visited four shops the past two days and three of them weren't really clear on the point that I can get them a sizable variety of items for their machinery, at lower cost. The fourth simply does their own sourcing so that's always an uphill battle - but I really like working on-site with them so it's no biggie.

So I gotta get going putting parts on the website, and need to work on a catalog layout.

Heh - and finish getting my tax crap together for the accountant.
tinyE: You need to get married. :D My dad would commit suicide this time of year if he didn't have my mother here to figure that shit out. Or you could do what I do and not have a job; that tends to make taxes easier.
Buh-rutha, I AM married. And she has the job in admin and deals with W-2s, W-4s, and all the other crap that goes along with the payroll side of human resources. Guess who gets stuck dealing with that garbage at home... she gives me her W-2 and I'm left with everything else. To be fair, my side of things is much more involved, but would it kill her to make me a margarita or two while I sort through this stuff? Yes, it would, so I'm stuck making those, too. ; )
Post edited March 02, 2014 by monkeydelarge
monkeydelarge: Once I was eating at a sandwich place and a homeless guy came in, sat close to me and asked me for change. Right around the time, I put a dollar in his hand, touching his hand, I noticed his hand was almost black from being dirty(the homeless guy = white guy). My lunch was ruined. I wanted to wash my hand in hot boiling water.
My reaction to that would have been like Ace Ventura's reaction
monkeydelarge: Once I was eating at a sandwich place and a homeless guy came in, sat close to me and asked me for change. Right around the time, I put a dollar in his hand, touching his hand, I noticed his hand was almost black from being dirty(the homeless guy = white guy). My lunch was ruined. I wanted to wash my hand in hot boiling water.
jjsimp: My reaction to that would have been like Ace Ventura's reaction
And to add insult to injury, everyone else in the sandwich place looked at me like I'm an asshole for giving the guy, money.
My Airline decided to cancel my flight this morning (8am) when it wasn't do to take off until tomorrow morning (8am), due to that shitty storm. Insanity as I was flying through Charlotte and they should be free of this storm by now. Instead they change my connector flight to DC Reagan Airport, which is in the grips of the storm now. So, mostly likely my flight will be canceled tomorrow, and I get to wait another day for my weekend to begin.
The other bitch I have is I hate Reagan Airport in DC, it is a real clusterfuck of an airport. They really need to close this horrible airport down.
I guess it could be worse, I could be stuck in the Upper Michigan area with 10ft of snow like tinyE instead of Miami.
Still no job atm (im not particularly fussy except i cant and wont have anything to do with sales or marketing) even difficult to find a simple warehouse job here (all my experience is call centre)
Signed up for a distance education short course (will do another right after this) Jan 22nd. Chased up *when* i will be enrolled on their system.
Jan 28th got "administration issue".
Feb 5th "Head Teacher needs to sign off on it" (finally got told there was a bar on my account - withdrew previously from another course... they neglected to tell me this side of things)
Feb 12th " I'll definitely get this chased up" (how can it take 2+ weeks for a simple change on their system to be dont)
Feb 13th Finally enrolled!.
Feb 14th Normally 6 or 12 months choice for course (normally flexible). They listed me as 6 months initially. Then 9 months. And now i find on latest email its 12 months (i did state i was fine with 6months!!!). WTF. I know OTEN is pretty ordinary here (they mainly offer Certificate 1,2,3,4, Diplomas for people studying part time while working) but their system is seriously ****ed up when it takes this long for a simple short course signup to go through all this hassle.
Niggles: Still no job atm (im not particularly fussy except i cant and wont have anything to do with sales or marketing) even difficult to find a simple warehouse job here (all my experience is call centre)
Signed up for a distance education short course (will do another right after this) Jan 22nd. Chased up *when* i will be enrolled on their system.
Jan 28th got "administration issue".
Feb 5th "Head Teacher needs to sign off on it" (finally got told there was a bar on my account - withdrew previously from another course... they neglected to tell me this side of things)
Feb 12th " I'll definitely get this chased up" (how can it take 2+ weeks for a simple change on their system to be dont)
Feb 13th Finally enrolled!.
Feb 14th Normally 6 or 12 months choice for course (normally flexible). They listed me as 6 months initially. Then 9 months. And now i find on latest email its 12 months (i did state i was fine with 6months!!!). WTF. I know OTEN is pretty ordinary here (they mainly offer Certificate 1,2,3,4, Diplomas for people studying part time while working) but their system is seriously ****ed up when it takes this long for a simple short course signup to go through all this hassle.
so it is difficult to find something in australia, too?
Niggles: Still no job atm (im not particularly fussy except i cant and wont have anything to do with sales or marketing) even difficult to find a simple warehouse job here (all my experience is call centre)
Signed up for a distance education short course (will do another right after this) Jan 22nd. Chased up *when* i will be enrolled on their system.
Jan 28th got "administration issue".
Feb 5th "Head Teacher needs to sign off on it" (finally got told there was a bar on my account - withdrew previously from another course... they neglected to tell me this side of things)
Feb 12th " I'll definitely get this chased up" (how can it take 2+ weeks for a simple change on their system to be dont)
Feb 13th Finally enrolled!.
Feb 14th Normally 6 or 12 months choice for course (normally flexible). They listed me as 6 months initially. Then 9 months. And now i find on latest email its 12 months (i did state i was fine with 6months!!!). WTF. I know OTEN is pretty ordinary here (they mainly offer Certificate 1,2,3,4, Diplomas for people studying part time while working) but their system is seriously ****ed up when it takes this long for a simple short course signup to go through all this hassle.
Soccorro: so it is difficult to find something in australia, too?
I think, all over the world, it has become difficult to find jobs unless you are looking for the jobs other people do not want for a good reason.
I have to get a 'gf'. Sucks that I dated 7 girls last year, a few I did not like, one was 17 and the other 'one I liked' well, it did not work out that well.

I have been single for well over a year now.
Post edited February 14, 2014 by Lionel212008
Lionel212008: I have to get a 'gf'. Sucks that I dated 7 girls last year, a few I did not like, one was 17 and the other 'one I liked' well, it did not work out that well.

I have been single for well over a year now.
It's not easy being a man with standards but I think, in the end, it's worth it.
monkeydelarge: It's not easy being a man with standards but I think, in the end, it's worth it.
The only advantage is you can get as unfit as you want to. The negatives: extra money spent, no longer have control of the TV, have to listen to pointless blather, have to let her win all arguments or they never end, and little to no sex....Thanks, but I'm happier in the single life.
Why do people in Airport resaurants break out their laptop and other junk and occupy one of the precious few tables during the lunch and dinner rushes. It would be okay if they were eating, but it is incredibly rude and inconsiderate for people that actually want to eat.
Next time I come across one of these assholes, I'm going to sit right next t to them with my greasy meal without asking...fuck them all.
jjsimp: Why do people in Airport resaurants break out their laptop and other junk and occupy one of the precious few tables during the lunch and dinner rushes. It would be okay if they were eating, but it is incredibly rude and inconsiderate for people that actually want to eat.
Next time I come across one of these assholes, I'm going to sit right next t to them with my greasy meal without asking...fuck them all.
Ever work retail? Here I am trying to make due with a somewhat small store and these assholes would keep coming in to use their cells without having to be bothered by traffic noise. What's more is they stand there by the fucking entrance blocking it from people who might actually want to come in and buy something.
monkeydelarge: It's not easy being a man with standards but I think, in the end, it's worth it.
jjsimp: The only advantage is you can get as unfit as you want to. The negatives: extra money spent, no longer have control of the TV, have to listen to pointless blather, have to let her win all arguments or they never end, and little to no sex....Thanks, but I'm happier in the single life.
And if you spend too much time playing video games, things can end badly for you. I bet some people reading this will be thinking, "you can find a woman who plays video games and then play with her". What they don't realize is in some parts of the world, such women are very rare. Sure, many play iPhone games and maybe a Sims game once in awhile but that is it.
Post edited February 14, 2014 by monkeydelarge
Another Airline gripe...yeah I've had my fill lately.

DC Reagan is the worst airport in the country, if not the world.
If you do not have enough boarding tunnels for all of your airplanes, you have too many airplanes. Having to use a bus to load 200 airplanes a day is beyond ridiculous. Someone should take a bulldozer to that mess of an airport. Matter of fact the road traffic around that miserable airport would be better off without it.

I think the airport was aptly named for the confusing mess of an airport it is, just like Ronnie's final years. (not a political quip for you repubs to tear me apart about, the man had dementia in his final years).
Post edited February 14, 2014 by jjsimp