stika: Mine has to do with job (or lack of thereof). I honestly don't know how much longer I can continue unemployed :\
Darvond: I think my father is facing the same wall, and he doesn't exactly seem eager to try and apply for benefits, but that's because the state of Social Programs in the USA is...rosambo, or to put it a bit more clearly, a kick in the balls except for those counting the dollars. Why we can't just slice up and divide the n00 billion dollar budget that we waste on military efforts and maintaining bases in places that war has very little likelyhood of striking, it is beyond me.
Then again, I'm also the guy who thinks that Congress should be demolished and replaced with at least 4-6 regional divisions who would be better suited to the needs of the area.
In my case though I live in Portugal, a country financially broke with an unemployment rate of 38% for those aged under 30.
So yeah... I'm fucked :\