Posted June 02, 2013

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States

Registered: Apr 2010
From Finland

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted June 02, 2013
Yeah that might sound surprising to many foreigners, but in some places in Finland it has been closer to 30 Celsius degrees lately (86 F), and oddly the more to the north you go, the warmer it has been. The weather in Europe has been odd lately in that way, the warmer the more north you go.
But that is not the real problem. In itself the current moderate 28 C or so is not bad if you are outside, but many Finnish apartments made of concrete become saunas already in such moderate temperatures, as they keep accumulating heat energy from the sun the whole day (or several days), and radiate the heat energy inside the whole evening/night, even if wasn't that warm outside anymore. I guess they are more designed for cold winters, than warm (or hot) summers. People living in wooden houses are better off.
So it has more to do with house design than temperatures being extraordinarily high.
My apartment is like that as well, in June and August the temperature inside can be quite sweaty in the evenings and nights (just when you are trying to sleep) already in moderate temperatures with windows open, considerably higher and sweatier than outside. A fan helps somewhat, naturally.
Air con is not that common in Finnish homes. I bought a portable aircon a couple of years ago when the temperatures went up to 37 C (98 F), the evenings and nights become quite unbearable in these concrete blocks. Too bad that aircon was quite useless. Sure it made air cooler, but it makes a loud sound like a damn vacuum cleaner. Try to sleep with something like that...
Anyway, in a few weeks we are going to Thailand, away from this "excruciating" heat... :)
But that is not the real problem. In itself the current moderate 28 C or so is not bad if you are outside, but many Finnish apartments made of concrete become saunas already in such moderate temperatures, as they keep accumulating heat energy from the sun the whole day (or several days), and radiate the heat energy inside the whole evening/night, even if wasn't that warm outside anymore. I guess they are more designed for cold winters, than warm (or hot) summers. People living in wooden houses are better off.
So it has more to do with house design than temperatures being extraordinarily high.
My apartment is like that as well, in June and August the temperature inside can be quite sweaty in the evenings and nights (just when you are trying to sleep) already in moderate temperatures with windows open, considerably higher and sweatier than outside. A fan helps somewhat, naturally.
Air con is not that common in Finnish homes. I bought a portable aircon a couple of years ago when the temperatures went up to 37 C (98 F), the evenings and nights become quite unbearable in these concrete blocks. Too bad that aircon was quite useless. Sure it made air cooler, but it makes a loud sound like a damn vacuum cleaner. Try to sleep with something like that...
Anyway, in a few weeks we are going to Thailand, away from this "excruciating" heat... :)
Post edited June 02, 2013 by timppu

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted June 02, 2013
Ugh, I worked at a customer a couple years back, similar thing: as a distributor they stored stacks of wood panels floor to ceiling throughout much of the building, so when it reached 102-110F (39-43C) in Dallas that summer (and closer to 120 inside), the wood was just a giant storage battery for the heat. I'd show up at 4am the next day and it would still be 105 inside from the day before. I sympathize with you - when you can't cool down, its tough to sleep and one's mood just goes to shit.
Other than that, went to sleep around midnight, woke up at 4:30, and the brain decided, "It's time to get up!" "But, braaaain - I'm tired!" "I know! Get up!" Stupid brain. Wife said, "Since you're up, go get some bacon. I'm going back to sleep."
Other than that, went to sleep around midnight, woke up at 4:30, and the brain decided, "It's time to get up!" "But, braaaain - I'm tired!" "I know! Get up!" Stupid brain. Wife said, "Since you're up, go get some bacon. I'm going back to sleep."

Shiny rocks!
Registered: Nov 2011
From Poland
Posted June 02, 2013
This morning (yes, on fucking sunday morning...) I received comments - or I should rather say whinges - from client representative about changes in some documents which he got from my company. The 'funny' thing is, said changes were made because his fucking company ask for them! When I finally been able to catch this guy on the phone ("we are available 24/7", my ass) he got the fucking nerve to tell me "Oh, I didn't know that mr. second_CR_who_is_sitting_next_to_me asked for these changes. We do not speak to each other during the last week. And yes, you have to revert all changes. Is that a problem?"
I've spend like three days, changing everything what these bastards wants, following they requirements to the letter, and now they are telling me that I have to do it again, because two morons, sharing the same 5 sq m office room are unable to communicate?!
God, I wish that you all steps barefoot on the lego five times a day for every day of the rest of your life...
I've spend like three days, changing everything what these bastards wants, following they requirements to the letter, and now they are telling me that I have to do it again, because two morons, sharing the same 5 sq m office room are unable to communicate?!
God, I wish that you all steps barefoot on the lego five times a day for every day of the rest of your life...

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted June 02, 2013
I'm annoyed by the Windows 8 TV commercials suggesting that the reason to switch to Windows 8 is so that you can play damn Angry Birds (Star Wars) on it. Oh really? Is that what MS wants us to see PC gaming as, being able to play mobile games on big screen? More demanding games should be run on XBox 360/One?
I'm also annoyed GOG forum ate my earlier message, so I had to write this all again. I forgot to copy the message to clipboard before clicking the post button.
I'm also annoyed GOG forum ate my earlier message, so I had to write this all again. I forgot to copy the message to clipboard before clicking the post button.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted June 02, 2013
My pharmacy redesigned the "child proof" lids on their bottles. I'm gonna need a fucking chainsaw to take my pills!

Registered: Apr 2010
From Finland
Posted June 04, 2013
I wish it rained. I'd be a lot healthier and happier.

Play with me
Registered: Dec 2011
From Spain
Posted June 04, 2013
I'm also annoyed GOG forum ate my earlier message, so I had to write this all again. I forgot to copy the message to clipboard before clicking the post button.
In Apple ads, at least people are usually doing something with their computers. In Windows ads, they just click random icons or play Angry Birds.
Post edited June 04, 2013 by Andanzas

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted June 04, 2013
"...or can you?"
I was reminded of that because for some reason my Win7 started requiring me to validate itself online every few weeks. Last time was maybe two weeks ago. I don't know why it sometimes keeps forgetting it is already validated, as the validation itself goes ok and Windows is happy again... for awhile.
I think my Windows has Alzheimer's. (There's a catch-phrase for you.)
When it comes to Windows commercials, I liked the old "We will make your children do better at school"-commercials better, as corny and yawning as they were. Then again, I don't see any Apple or Android ads on TV, so I have nothing to compare to. Maybe they are even worse.
I was reminded of that because for some reason my Win7 started requiring me to validate itself online every few weeks. Last time was maybe two weeks ago. I don't know why it sometimes keeps forgetting it is already validated, as the validation itself goes ok and Windows is happy again... for awhile.
I think my Windows has Alzheimer's. (There's a catch-phrase for you.)
When it comes to Windows commercials, I liked the old "We will make your children do better at school"-commercials better, as corny and yawning as they were. Then again, I don't see any Apple or Android ads on TV, so I have nothing to compare to. Maybe they are even worse.
Post edited June 04, 2013 by timppu

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted June 04, 2013
They never showed those here on TV. I think I've seen only Youtube spoofs of such commercials, including the one where the annoyingly talking a-holes wave their hands around when they talk what exciting things you can do on Mac (or was it IPhone? Not sure anymore.).
I recall also the (spoof) spin-offs like "I'm a PS3 girlfriend. I like WW2 and historical battles" vs "I'm a Nintendo girlfriend. I'm peppy!". But I think I've never seen the originals to which they are referring. Or then I thought it is a spoof too.
I recall also the (spoof) spin-offs like "I'm a PS3 girlfriend. I like WW2 and historical battles" vs "I'm a Nintendo girlfriend. I'm peppy!". But I think I've never seen the originals to which they are referring. Or then I thought it is a spoof too.
Post edited June 04, 2013 by timppu

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
Posted June 04, 2013
I've seen a few about iPhone and iPad on our national channels.
The ads show a finger, yes, just a finger, swiping left and right, opening and closing apps and whatever. The way they're done, they're just lifeless, I'm disgusted by watching them. There has got to be more to life than a lifeless finger moving left and right implying that the user is a lifeless drone that doesn't know better.
The ads show a finger, yes, just a finger, swiping left and right, opening and closing apps and whatever. The way they're done, they're just lifeless, I'm disgusted by watching them. There has got to be more to life than a lifeless finger moving left and right implying that the user is a lifeless drone that doesn't know better.

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted June 04, 2013
Don't those idiots understand that child proof also means = pain in the fucking ass for everyone and not really 100% child proof. Not all human babies are stupid. Just most of them.
Post edited June 04, 2013 by langurmonkey