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AlKim: Snow.
Yes, too little. I would have wished for more. Having only few millimeters of the white stuff is just irritating.
Post edited October 26, 2012 by timppu
AlKim: Snow.
timppu: Yes, too little. I would have wished for more. Having only few millimeters of the white stuff is just irritating.
I'm already wishing an early spring, but yeah. It's not so bad when there's so much snow it's packed against the road so it's not half as slippery out there. It's snowing again. Quite profusely, in fact, and the sky is dark.

I've still got practically smooth road tyres on my bike. Fuck.
AlKim: I'm already wishing an early spring, but yeah. It's not so bad when there's so much snow it's packed against the road so it's not half as slippery out there. It's snowing again. Quite profusely, in fact, and the sky is dark.
Here (a few hundred kilometers to east from you) sun is shining brightly now, and the little snow there was has pretty much already melted away.

Everyone seems surprised though that the first snow came this early this year. It seems like the +15 degree autumn days were just like two weeks ago or so, now we already got a little bit of snow. I don't think I saw snow last year until December?

But then, I remember one year a long time ago when I got back from a work trip to France in late October, and there happened to be the first (and quite heavy) snowstorm in southern Finland. So much snow that the taxi almost couldn't drive me home at all from the airport, in the middle of night.
Post edited October 26, 2012 by timppu
Windows 8 upgrade assistant crashed. Not really what I was expecting... O_o
SimonG: Windows 8 upgrade assistant crashed. Not really what I was expecting... O_o
Deep down inside, isn't this EXACTLY what you were expecting? ; )
SimonG: Windows 8 upgrade assistant crashed. Not really what I was expecting... O_o
Screw that, it has always been unstable. :)
Well, this is annoying. Amazon can't get my Kickstarter payment processed all of a sudden. I just bought a game on GOG to make sure my card works. It does. Tried re-entering it 3 times on Amazon. No luck. Now I guess I'll have to waste my time trying to figure this thing out..

/edit: blah, I bought a bunch of stuff I don't really need just to check that my card works pretty much everywhere else but on Amazon. yippee.
Post edited October 26, 2012 by Adzeth
F4LL0UT: Also my best friend disappointed me a lot lately by not being there when I needed her.
My ex best friend also seriously let me down recently by not being there for me enough when I need her. That is why she is not my best friend anymore.
Complain about life eh? I'm 27 and I feel useless. I could have had a dozen plus computer certificates and a damn degree in Computer Science if people STOPPED getting in the way. I don't want to hear “oh ignore them” or “you're letting them get in the way.” No! Them triggering my PTSD, I asking them to stop, and their crappy reply is “You wanted it to happen.” isn't a reasonable way to live life while trying to study for things that drive most people insane. I do seem to lose at everything I do, EXCEPT videogames and writing.

Adzeth: Well, this is annoying. Amazon can't get my Kickstarter payment processed all of a sudden. I just bought a game on GOG to make sure my card works. It does. Tried re-entering it 3 times on Amazon. No luck. Now I guess I'll have to waste my time trying to figure this thing out..

/edit: blah, I bought a bunch of stuff I don't really need just to check that my card works pretty much everywhere else but on Amazon. yippee.
Hey broski, sometimes if you buy crap loads off the internet come credit card companies BLOCK all future transactions and make you call them to confirm purchases. They did this when I first bought from this site.
DiNozzo: Hey broski, sometimes if you buy crap loads off the internet come credit card companies BLOCK all future transactions and make you call them to confirm purchases. They did this when I first bought from this site.
I made the other purchases after the Amazon one. It seems like Amazon suddenly just can't figure out how to process the payment. It didn't have any problems with the 3 Kickstarter projects I've backed earlier this year. Amazon also suddenly started saying I need to add a province/state into my address, and those aren't really a thing in Finland.

Amazon must have it in for me. Now they won't even take my money.
Adzeth: I made the other purchases after the Amazon one. It seems like Amazon suddenly just can't figure out how to process the payment. It didn't have any problems with the 3 Kickstarter projects I've backed earlier this year. Amazon also suddenly started saying I need to add a province/state into my address, and those aren't really a thing in Finland.

Amazon must have it in for me. Now they won't even take my money.
Are youg going to or The .com is US exclusive. I know this sound stupid, but it's how they manage things.
DiNozzo: Are youg going to or The .com is US exclusive. I know this sound stupid, but it's how they manage things.
It's It's sort of an on-rails process, since I have to do it through Kickstarter, and they redirect me to the payment page on The previous ones went through as well. My #1 theory is that this is because I got a new card recently, and Amazon just hates the new card with a passion.

I'm probably going to just contact the guys who set up the kickstarter campaign and ask them if I can donate the money directly through Paypal or something, since I just tested that Paypal works.
F4LL0UT: Also my best friend disappointed me a lot lately by not being there when I needed her.
langurmonkey: My ex best friend also seriously let me down recently by not being there for me enough when I need her. That is why she is not my best friend anymore.
Yeah, I think mine isn't my best friend anymore either. We don't talk often but the cool thing is, we can message or call each other after a couple of months or a whole year and we can be open and honest as ever as if we were seeing each other on a daily basis. She even made exactly that remark earlier this year. Now I messaged her a couple of days ago when I was going through a lot of trouble and needed someone to talk to - and I felt like she's the only person I can trust with this. But she answered that she's tired of me only calling her when I'm in trouble. Maybe I should show more interest in her when everything's fine but heck, the friend I knew just a couple of months ago wouldn't have ever made that kind of accusation, she would've just listened, just as I did when she contacted me last year with serious trouble.

Oh well, things change, people change, that's life for ya.
hmmm... guess I can bitch about G4. Don't know if anyone around here would care about them but they're finally cutting their last remaining gaming themed shows. That doesn't bother me so much as just how many were lost before. Haven't been able to watch for a while, because it had been so hard finding anything with all the crap they put on there. Really enjoyed G4 & TechTV back in the day, shame what happened to them.
Apparently they're re-marketing themselves again. Now they shall be the channel with "The fashionable male" programming. No word on if the new G4 will try to screw your girlfriend in an uncomfortable place.
F4LL0UT: ...
Just do keep in mind that your best friend may have life and problems she doesn't tell you about, or just life and problems in general. Instead of saying that she's not there for you you might consider being bullheaded and trying to figure out what's wrong, what happened and why did she change, as you say. To be absolutely honest with you, from what you're writing here (and I'm not saying it's the truth, I'm just commenting on what you say in here,) you sound kind of selfish in this regard.