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jepsen1977: Actually I did kinda forget that the idea of the thread is to bitch but yes, you are more than welcome to bitch about celibacy or oatmeal all you want :-)
I really do fucking hate oatmeal.
Damn jobs and cars...
Post edited December 14, 2012 by EC-
StingingVelvet: Being in a city this semester in Georgia for my volunteer thing is a lot better, but DAMN is it harder to stay celibate for 3 months when there are hot chicks in skimpy clothes everywhere. Last semester it was old crones in village rags.
Don't touch them. Trust me.
SimonG: Don't touch them. Trust me.
Wasn't gonna... :)
SimonG: You could use the "Finnish solution" to this problem. Well, knowing you, you already did ;-).
Damuna: The Finnish solution to everything is drinking, right?
True, and the German solution to everything is starting a world war, and concentration camps. :)

Actually, now that I got interested in statistics:

According to that Finland is at place 24, behind such countries as e.g. UK (no surprise there, I don't think I've ever seen a sober brit), Ireland, Austria, Denmark, Poland, and yes, Germany. :)

I'm a bit surprised how high e.g. South Korea is in the statistics though. I didn't know they'd have any time left for drinking, from all that playing of Starcraft online?

(I noticed thought that those statistics are quite old (2005?), but then...)
Post edited September 30, 2012 by timppu
I have face warts - goddam local trains; so I had to cancel going out today. This sucks majorly coz I was really looking forward to building something with this interesting girl I met recently. I also cut it while shaving so it spread all over. Neway, I had to undergo expensive surgery and hopefully it shouldn't look all that embarrassing tomorrow. Which means I am low on cash and can't participate in either the square enix sale or the codemaster games that I really wanted to get and won't be on GOG anymore.

Worst of all my card was erroneously debited 2k even though the transaction didn't quite process and I spent the rest of my cash on surgery. So it is gonna take 2 or 3 days for the bank to correct that last transaction. This unexpected turn of events has put quite a dampener on my plans. It almost feels like the universe is conspiring against me - well, I sincerely hope not.

On the bright side I finished doom 3 today and the cyberdemon in the end was pretty cool.
Post edited September 30, 2012 by Lionel212008
I really wanted to like Painkiller. Turns out I can't. Bugger. Uninstalling.
My evening plans fell through after I'd already showered, shaved, and dressed. Lame. None of my buds wants to hang out either, guess it's time to drink and play video games (not that that would normally be a bad night...).
orcishgamer: My evening plans fell through after I'd already showered, shaved, and dressed. Lame. None of my buds wants to hang out either, guess it's time to drink and play video games (not that that would normally be a bad night...).
Take that clean shave and just go struttin.
Too much work...workforce down to 50% (thats just me so you do da maths!)...and boss comes in later and leaves early.... least I have a job which I *am* grateful.

orcishgamer: My evening plans fell through after I'd already showered, shaved, and dressed. Lame. None of my buds wants to hang out either, guess it's time to drink and play video games (not that that would normally be a bad night...).
Come to Pandaria and we'll eat carrots, drink beer, and tell stories. :)
About 2 hours ago, my graphics card's driver went haywire. Everything was glitchy, including this forum. It threw random colors and shapes all around, and the whole desktop was flickering. If I tried to start a 3D game, the models were pink polygon messes.

Now, after those 2 hours of fiddling, nuking parts of the system, and giving the components a nice bubble bath, I've got it working again. Tested a game for a few seconds too, and nothing was messing up. Everything seems to be fine, but these things are sneaky and like to strike again right when you think you don't need to worry about it anymore.

Hence I'll probably be on my toes for a couple of days, stressing about every unexpected beep I might hear.

I didn't actually give the components a bubble bath. I don't have a bath.

While I'm at it, my room mate's girlfriend has turned our bathroom into a lemon chemical war zone. My body can't handle fragrances and whatnot, it gets angry and tries to hurt me. I need to ask her/them to remove that stuff, but some past experiences have made me really wary of even suggesting these things. I should probably go and take those allergy tests. With any luck, I'd get a legit looking paper that'd help convince people that I'm not just being an ass.
Chigger bites, chigger bites, chigger bites.

In all my nooks and crannies.
Stone Dead Forever!

(It's a good song.)