dandi8: Oh, look! Girlfriends!
Mine just told me she doesn't think she loves me anymore.
I don't think I want to get up from my bed anymore.
That is all, ladies and gentlemen. I'd vent about how she gave my life meaning and was everything to me but... yeah. I'm pathetic enough, I guess.
Hey don't let it get you down too much (I know a lot easier said than done). I had the same thing about three months ago , it hurts at the time time, but it does get easier.
The most important thing is to remember to like yourself, as damn it we're all awesome people with awesome interests and talents.
And you're not pathetic, sh*t hurts, especially when you put effort into something and it gets taken away.
Just try and keep your spirits up, go see some friends, play a epic game.
And if you want to talk about it feel free to Pm me, I've been there and it helps to talk about it.