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orcishgamer: snip
Thanks orc.
keeveek: A day later, I was strucked like by a lightning
Lol didn't read the word "like" and thought you were indeed struck by a lightining... well it's a bitch about life thread, isn't it? I realised my mistake when typing my post: "how did you survive". Oh, maybe it's just late.
I didn't. I'm posting through Afterlife Network :P

By the way, there are massive thunderstorms here lately, with tornado's even, so maybe you'll get to know how it is to get struck by actual lightning, if I survive :P
Ad volumes revisited.

I've set up my volume so that you can't hear the normal sounds outside my room. It's especially important at times like 3(AM) or 6(AM). But the ads...
If I'm in front of my speakers, they scare the immortal chipmunk spirit out of me. It's basically an explosion from quiet to "YOU KIDS BUY STUFF WHEN WE MAKE NOISE, RIGHT!?". Just now I made the mistake of opening a video to let it load while I go to the kitchen, and I really don't know how they manage to make it so much louder than everything else. It's gotta be a Windows 7 "ad volume boost" feature or something. This resulted in loud noises while I was away from the computer with my door open. Luckily, my apartment mate isn't home.

I don't understand why they don't just drive around big towns in a van with massive speakers and keep shouting the product name at 4AM. It'd get everyone's attention and be even more obnoxious.
Just downloaded 30GB of Max Payne 3 from Amazon only for it to say the download is corrupt during extraction and it starts COMPLETELY over.

This is why people like Steam.
I've got a sore throat and can feel my voice slipping. All because I was saying Toad's dialogue in Super Mario Galaxy with a high-pitched effeminate voice.
StingingVelvet: Just downloaded 30GB of Max Payne 3 from Amazon only for it to say the download is corrupt during extraction and it starts COMPLETELY over.

This is why people like Steam.
Not the ones who dont have unmetered Steam access LOL.
I sent an email to Amazon support asking them if there was some way to use the 30GB sitting on my desktop for Max Payne 3 rather than downloading the whole thing. I also asked if there was a way to switch to the Steam code version if not, so I don't risk another corrupt download.

Their response was to immediately refund my money without asking and telling me to go ahead and buy the Steam version.

Problem is, I got the game when it was on sale for $29.99, that is what they refunded, but the game is now back to $59.99.

StingingVelvet: I sent an email to Amazon support asking them if there was some way to use the 30GB sitting on my desktop for Max Payne 3 rather than downloading the whole thing. I also asked if there was a way to switch to the Steam code version if not, so I don't risk another corrupt download.

Their response was to immediately refund my money without asking and telling me to go ahead and buy the Steam version.

Problem is, I got the game when it was on sale for $29.99, that is what they refunded, but the game is now back to $59.99.

Just wait for it to go on sale again.
macuahuitlgog: Just wait for it to go on sale again.
Amazon gave me a $30 credit. Could have used it for anything but I re-purchased Max Payne 3. Got the Steam code version this time, just because the fucking game is so huge.

Amazon also told me they appreciate my business and hope this hasn't soured anything. I love Amazon.
StingingVelvet: Amazon also told me they appreciate my business and hope this hasn't soured anything. I love Amazon.
Amazon is creepy. They are the worst thing ever for retailers, but they are so frikking good in customer relations that you can hardly feel bad about them.

I buy just about everything there.

Except books. Those belong in a museum! (And by this I mean that I still go to my sturdy old bookstore).
StingingVelvet: Amazon also told me they appreciate my business and hope this hasn't soured anything. I love Amazon.
SimonG: Amazon is creepy. They are the worst thing ever for retailers, but they are so frikking good in customer relations that you can hardly feel bad about them.

I buy just about everything there.

Except books. Those belong in a museum! (And by this I mean that I still go to my sturdy old bookstore).
Are you talking about or
macuahuitlgog: Are you talking about or

I also have an account on

All three accounts have the same e-mail and password (no need to extra register) but apart from that handled as completely different stores. I can't see the orders of the one store in the other and vice versa.
Post edited August 01, 2012 by SimonG
SimonG: Amazon is creepy. They are the worst thing ever for retailers, but they are so frikking good in customer relations that you can hardly feel bad about them.
I didn't really know how to feel when I ordered an album from Amazon, got the jewel case but no cd inside, sent a "Hey, I got the jewel case but there's no cd inside" message through the feedback thing and they replied "We're glad you're satisfied with your purchase. Recommend it to your friends too" (not word for word but the idea is the same).

...I mean, it's a nice looking jewel case, but I would've preferred the music. I ended up buying it again from Bandcamp and burning a cd of my own. Now I have a nice jewel case with a shady looking cd inside it, for about 2 times the normal cost. :p

That was my first Amazon buying experience, and possibly last.
Adzeth: I didn't really know how to feel when I ordered an album from Amazon, got the jewel case but no cd inside, sent a "Hey, I got the jewel case but there's no cd inside" message through the feedback thing and they replied "We're glad you're satisfied with your purchase. Recommend it to your friends too" (not word for word but the idea is the same).

...I mean, it's a nice looking jewel case, but I would've preferred the music. I ended up buying it again from Bandcamp and burning a cd of my own. Now I have a nice jewel case with a shady looking cd inside it, for about 2 times the normal cost. :p

That was my first Amazon buying experience, and possibly last.
Their support is outsourced to India, maybe they didn't really get your message. Simply bug them again. Honestly, every single time I returned something, I had a problem (even if I didn't have a problem, good an EA game for free for a general ME 3 problem that I never had) Amazon was above and beyond the call of duty with me.


Recently I wanted to sent a DVD back, because I ordered the wrong one. Amazon said "keep it, we will refund you anyway".