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You just crossed the line, Flash.

AlKim: Seems to happen around here too, except that she usually realizes that I a) am not interested in the subject or 2) have no idea what she's on about. The Finnish soap opera Salatut Elämät is the worst. I'm not interested in who killed whom, which characters were taken out of the show in what way and who happens to be the illegitimate son of the lady who killed the cute little boys who kissed three episode ago and all that shit, yet she keeps bombarding me with this vacuous crap even though I have asked her many times not to. She's got other friends, some of whom watch the stupid show, why not speak to them?
When I visit my mum she always seems to be on about her shows/interests to my dad, and he's all like "I could care less, etc." Of course he says it in a "nice" way, but he seems to be in the same sort of situation. Heck, even I could care less what happens on soap operas.....tbh they are mostly crap writing/acting to begin with(imo). All they do is the same old plots over and over again...someone gets kidnapped/shot/stabbed/robbed/etc(Sometimes a combination of those.), and then the criminals usually get off (Or they get a few days in lockup & that's it.) scot free and everyone acts like what happened never happened or wasn't "so bad".

Who forgets/downplays someone shooting/kidnapping them and goes on about their daily lives...honestly?

And don't get me started on the number of comas my mum has told me'd think with all them comas the stars of her favorites soaps have been in, that their brains would be mush by now or something.
dan30b: I just pretty much failed uni today :-(, my own lazy fault.
anjohl: Trust me:

"You ain't the first".

Like a lot of things, being in university is inherently driven by your effort and motivation. Tae a year off, work for a bit, or just bum around europe with a backpack and a hacky-sack. Get your living in before you become weighed down by crushing debt!
cheers man :)
AlKim: Seems to happen around here too, except that she usually realizes that I a) am not interested in the subject or 2) have no idea what she's on about. The Finnish soap opera Salatut Elämät is the worst. I'm not interested in who killed whom, which characters were taken out of the show in what way and who happens to be the illegitimate son of the lady who killed the cute little boys who kissed three episode ago and all that shit, yet she keeps bombarding me with this vacuous crap even though I have asked her many times not to.
That reminds me when I tried to explain to two non-gaming ladies (in two different occasions) why Grim Fandango and Starcraft are such great games IMHO. I was mostly referring to the story, I think we were first talking about movies or books, I drifted the discussion to story-based games.

The lady that heard about GF said the setting/story does sound interesting and said she'd really have to try it sometime, but I'm pretty sure she just tried to please me.

The other one, I got to even try one mission in the Zerg campaign with me, after a lot of pep talk. She had absolutely no idea what was happening on the screen (apparently the idea of trying to control several objects on the screen at the same time was completely alien to her, and she had problems understanding what exactly was happening on the screen), but A+ for an effort trying to understand, anyway.

Then again, I have watched a few chick movies, just to please some other. It is not like I really love True Blood either, even though the implausible plot changes sometimes amuse me.
AlKim: Funny, because the opposite happens between me and my girl; if I play a game, she usually reckons I would rather be left relatively undisturbed, so she boots up the PC or something. Then I daren't disturb her, because clearly she's occupied by the wonderful world of the Internet. This can go on for hours, which sometimes feels pretty awkward, but I guess it's better than the alternative.
itti: Has it always been this way between you and her or did you say something enlightening to her?
It has been so for as long as I remember. I'd guess she lets me play undisturbed because I leave her alone when she watches that stupid soap opera of hers. The actors are so atrocious that I can recognize the show just by listening; in-ear headphones are a godsend.

itti: It seems like not being interested in a girls soap opera may deliver the message that you don't care about her as a person, too.
Yeah, this does seem to happen to some extent, but I've accepted that we're different people who like different things so I don't try to be nice to her in ways that make me uncomfortable (works both ways, naturally). For instance, I've made it perfectly clear that I don't think much of marriage as an institution and also avoid visiting churches, so she had better get used to not not getting engaged as long as she's with me or I don't change my mind.

timppu: The lady that heard about GF said the setting/story does sound interesting and said she'd really have to try it sometime, but I'm pretty sure she just tried to please me.
Sounds like a convenient way to end the discussion and change the subject. Happens all the time in conversation, so no biggie as far as I care.

timppu: The other one, I got to even try one mission in the Zerg campaign with me, after a lot of pep talk. She had absolutely no idea what was happening on the screen (apparently the idea of trying to control several objects on the screen at the same time was completely alien to her, and she had problems understanding what exactly was happening on the screen), but A+ for an effort trying to understand, anyway.
For some reason I imagined you playing the game doing about 350 APM. Would confuse me as well.

Mind you, my girlfriend once asked me to tell if she would find Gran Turismo 4 challenging. No idea why; she's not particularly interested in cars or driving or most videogames. Probably wanted to understand what it is about the game that compels me to play it in the first place. Maybe my exploits with a 350-horsepower TVR didn't seem too difficult. Whatever the case, she lost interest somewhere between suspension tuning and the completely bonkers Bentley Speed Eight LMP1 car. It's probably for the best that she sticks to Lego Harry Potter, Super Mario Bros. 3 and Balloon Fight.
Post edited June 26, 2012 by AlKim
Here's a bitch fest waiting to be released upon the internets.

So I took a contracting job in Cambridge, MA. An hour drive on a good day from where I live. I decided to take it, anyway.

The premise is, $15/hour, 5 consecutive days. Friday-Tuesday.

I get there, find out there are thirteen contractors for this 5-days stint, plus 4 longer-term people that have been there a while.

We also find out the times we are supposed to get there; 8:30AM. I get there about 8, a much larger portion arrive just about 8:30. We wait, we sit. I sat nothing to a couple of guys sitting there waiting with me. Finally we get brought into the building (sitting in an access-controlled lobby), and get told 'Oh, I wasn't expecting you guys until 12 or 1" and he brings us down to their 'base of operations'.

We then sit around from ~9AM to 4:30PM. Doing nothing. I mean, nothing constructive to the project. We shoot the shit. Talk anime, games, music, raves, shitty co-workers, horrible business practices, etc, etc. We leave whenever we feel like it; take a walk, get a coffee, eat lunch.......We find out before the PM ninjas his way into oblivion, that we are also not working the weekend. That's ~16 hours minimum. Gone.

Now 4:30 rolls around and we 'have a meeting' and it was one of the least productive, informative, or even fucking necessary meetings I've ever been in. After the meeting is 'done', being something that should have taken no more than 10 minutes, turned into 45 (I dunno how it happened), we are told we need to go around the building (and this is not a nicely laid out buidling, map-wise) and stick some paper to the users' doors. At 5PM on a Friday. REALLY!? Because we didn't have all fucking day to do anything like this, right!?...........

I eventually left at 6:15 and put down 6:30; it was approved anyway.

Monday rolls around, and we are supposed to be there at 6:45AM for a 7AM start. Fucking retarded. No one comes in until about 8 anyway. We have to wait for the people to come in on their own, then find out if they had been through the checklist they should have had e-mailed and printed out. Because users listen to every little thing IT says to do. Of course.

I get into a bit of a hissy with one of the guys, whom I had a decent rapport with on Friday. He apparently NARCs on me to the recruiter over a simple difference of opinion on how to troubleshoot an error. I no longer work today.

Recruiter asks me about it, I tell him, he asks who it was (I know he knows, he just wants to hear it from me), I tell him, he speaks like this has happened before with this specific contractor, and says he's "a bit of a bitch". His words, not mine. Also, entertaining and slightly vindicating.

That's my bitch session for today.......
Climbing the walls with anxiety today/tonight. Always had issues with anxiety, but days like this are just.. ugh. Been a really stressful week so far and I tend to hide my anxiety in actual stressul situations - or rather suppress it I guess as people always comment on how I'm level-headed in a crisis. The problem is the aftermath, this part now where I fixate on something minor which just doesn't matter as if it's the end of the world.

As I said it's been a really stressful week. It's only Tuesday. This week sucks.
You wanna know what sucks? Arts degrees. Not in terms of the enlightenmnet they provide, as I wouldn't be who I am today without my political science degree, but sweet fuck the world doesn't want arts majors at ALL.

Any employer I have had has noted my passion, enthusiasm, self-reliance, and inquisitiveness, yet here I am unemployed after being laid off from a CONVENIENCE STORE.

Those communist "aptitude"-based job placements are looking pretty good right about now.

I swear to god, if I hear that someone is looking for someone to man a completely isolated research station in Antartica, with job duties being to measure the thickness of the ice every day, with the only communication with the outside world being a quarterly satphone call home, I am fucking THERE.

Hell *IS* other people.
Post edited June 27, 2012 by anjohl
I got pulled over today for the first time. Thankfully I got off without any problems and tickets. Still nerve-wracking.
Rohan15: I got pulled over today for the first time. Thankfully I got off without any problems and tickets. Still nerve-wracking.
I got my first speeding ticket two weeks ago, after 17 years of driving.
Rohan15: I got pulled over today for the first time. Thankfully I got off without any problems and tickets. Still nerve-wracking.
anjohl: I got my first speeding ticket two weeks ago, after 17 years of driving.
anjohl: I got my first speeding ticket two weeks ago, after 17 years of driving.
Rohan15: o.O
He let me off with the minimum ticket, though he could have given me a $250 one. The general rule is be polite and honest to the police, as if they were any person you meet on the street. That will produce the most favorable results.
Post edited June 27, 2012 by anjohl
Rohan15: o.O
anjohl: He let me off with the minimum ticket, though he could have given me a $250 one. The general rule is be polite and honest to the police, as if they were any person you meet on the street. That will produce the most favorable results.
Did just that, still told me to 'Get the fuck home'.
anjohl: You wanna know what sucks? Arts degrees. Not in terms of the enlightenmnet they provide, as I wouldn't be who I am today without my political science degree, but sweet fuck the world doesn't want arts majors at ALL.
You took an ART MAJOR then expected it to translate into real world work opportunities just like a more viable major would? Seriously?
anjohl: I swear to god, if I hear that someone is looking for someone to man a completely isolated research station in Antartica, with job duties being to measure the thickness of the ice every day, with the only communication with the outside world being a quarterly satphone call home, I am fucking THERE.

Hell *IS* other people.
You know, there are Antarctic studies and such where they are looking for people.....I dunno if you have any IT background but there is that.....

And just for completeness; I don't have a degree of any kind. Just a single IT Certification (CompTIA A+)
Post edited June 27, 2012 by JTD121