friendship, honesty, integity, they matter more than a job does. Sometimes. Sometimes, life fucks you good, and maekes you choose one or the other. Just make sure you can look at yourseld f in the mirror. A gentleman and character are more important. Peoplesociety are so cuskef up, that somone else has to pick up the slack. I dunno. What is life worth? I will fisticuffs to defend my position, and shi t i live in texas and i am so hell. but,s
edit1: guy ckark, texas no 1 says to hell with you, AND YOUr women AND i likwe that chili: amd the chili bar is such a hole haha!
edit2: texas no 2 damnit, steve earle kiss my ass: (and your laws and shit religino) edit3: texas no 3 and trhe most important@!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOWNES VAN ZANDT: edited final: it is Important you other Texans own this shit detailed above. Fuck politics, fuck posturing and saber-rattlling, fuck Bush, fuck Perry, and fuck Ron Paul (sorry dude, yyour foreign policy is rad). I spell-checked this line for you guys. Fuck anyone who wants to graft your opinion or your vote. What's important is quality of life, and not just yours. What's important is you sleep at night. What's important is that you get laid. And one doesn't preclude the other. Plus, your neighbors fucking matter.
edit4.: also, i didn't spell check just tried really hard.