I got TMD last year. My Doctor's keep telling me to do stretches, ice my face, wear a mouth guard, and take Motrin to bring down pain/inflammation.
They said it would go away in 4 to 6 weeks. It's been over a year and a half now. Every day, my face feels inflamed/in pain, or I have head aches going on.
Now I have to wait a couple of months for my next appointment because the TMD doctor is booked.
AlKim: Have had some health issues of late, both physical and mental. Nothing serious, it turns out, but a reminder that it's high time to start taking it easier. Which means I've dropped studying for now to ease stress. A bummer, but I do feel better for finally having less on my plate.
But at least I can stop repeating "remember how I've talked about getting a motorcycle for X months/yearsnow? Still haven't done it", because I got that sorted around February-March and it's great.
Hope you recover and get better soon.