Had to cancel what little christmas plans there were this year, but since I didn't go christmas shopping and I'd rather be in my own home anyway, not much of a loss. Doesn't help that we're not doing it in the usual place, so I felt even less comfortable going. I will instead enjoy my weekend off.
Winwood113: Bitch about life? Fine.
There was recently an explosion near where I live that levelled a building (not an exageration, it's rubble). This killed 9 people and put 40 more out of their homes, right before Christmas. (A quick search for St Helier Explosion should remove any doubts about whether on not this is real). At about the same time there was a nearby boat collision that killed 3 more.
On top of this one of my elderly friends who has been dealing with dementia has gone rapidly downhill over the last few days and another is currently fighting terminal bone cancer.
The fact I can't do a thing about any of this, and that I also know there are people far worse off, has added to the rest of what I have going on in my life and has left me in a state where I can feel almost nothing.
Still, got to laugh, eh?
Damn man, reminds me of the story of that one kid who killed his entire family for life insurance to pay off his loan shark around christmas. Obviously, the damage of your story is more severe, but peace is hard to come by for everyone, it seems.