A bit annoyed at my co-workers. We are supposed to help each other out when one of us is on vacation (an informal agreement) , so that the work does not pile up too much for that person (I work as an administrator). When my colleagues were away on vacation I busted my a%% off to make sure they had no big piles of work. Yet when I come back I have a big freakin' pile that will take me weeks to get finished, and it's not as if the inflow has stopped. So now I mostlty work from home because it's easier for me to concentrate and not be disturbed by people all the time. Yet my colleagues seem annoyed by that, because they complain that they have "so much work" and hint they could need my help. No, I don't think so. And then there's "that" person who is always sick so often, I think every office has one, ... well if you dressed warm once in a while maybe you wouldn't have a cold every second month.