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Rodzaju: But now I've got to go home & hope I get the chance to eat some major humble pie.....
orcishgamer: Careful, just cause she didn't give you the clap doesn't mean she hasn't been cheating...
reaver894: LOL, been withmine for 7 and a half, I get this conversation once a month
orcishgamer: Tell them you don't believe in marriage theft.
Firstly ouch... True we dont know that Rodzaju's other half is playing but still ouch.

And secondly, I used the whole dont belive in marriage, the reply was "Well I do."
reaver894: And secondly, I used the whole dont belive in marriage, the reply was "Well I do."
"Well if that's our biggest disagreement and that's your biggest problem with me then we've got a pretty great relationship!"
reaver894: And secondly, I used the whole dont belive in marriage, the reply was "Well I do."
orcishgamer: "Well if that's our biggest disagreement and that's your biggest problem with me then we've got a pretty great relationship!"

love you too orcish.
When asked last night at the store for the 100th time about being married (someone we dont know commented on us being newlyweds)

I said, "contrary to popular thoughts on the matter we are in fact not married"

Her reply "Yeah, we are not married yet"
akwater: When asked last night at the store for the 100th time about being married (someone we dont know commented on us being newlyweds)

I said, "contrary to popular thoughts on the matter we are in fact not married"

Her reply "Yeah, we are not married yet"
Lol, yet.

Shes got you by the balls :-P
Rodzaju: But now I've got to go home & hope I get the chance to eat some major humble pie.....
orcishgamer: Careful, just cause she didn't give you the clap doesn't mean she hasn't been cheating...
reaver894: LOL, been withmine for 7 and a half, I get this conversation once a month
orcishgamer: Tell them you don't believe in theft.
Fixed that for you.
I found out that augustiner is not sold in my city....

Ouch, got put in the "friend zone" by the chick I picked up at the bar. That'll teach me to violate my rule. 28 or older, 26 is the age floor, otherwise they're too uptight (generalizing, drunk generalizing). Eh, oh well. Sucks though...
I've lived in Norway for the past six years and moved from Oslo to Bergen (second largest city in the country) about a year and a half ago. While I've had two good, solid jobs in Oslo (and had no trouble finding or getting them), it took me quite some time to find a job here. I found one four months ago, and liked it. It's an IT job, similar to the ones I had in Oslo, at an interesting internationally operating company. So I was happy, motivated, and figured I'd be in a good place for at least the coming few years.

Now, in just two days, I found out that:

1) Through some sneaky loophole in the law they've limited my vacation days to 21 instead of the 25 that are given to full-time employees by pretty much every IT (or other) company in the country, including the ones I worked at in Oslo. Which means I won't be able to visit my family in The Netherlands during the December holiday season.

2) I'm expected to work overtime when necessary, without getting any type of compensation for it -- I don't get extra pay, and I don't get the option to save up the extra hours I work and use them as time off at a later date -- which goes completely against any work experience I've had and /or heard about since I moved here. In addition to this I witnessed one of my colleagues getting called into our managers office, getting yelled at and basically being intimidated into working overtime after he had said he couldn't because he was moving into a new apartment...

My contract has sections on both these subjects, of course, but both merely state that they're dealt with "according to the law", and you'd have to be a freaking lawyer and dig deep, deep into the small letters of the law to find and understand the kind of loopholes these guys are subjecting their employees to, and I've never heard of a company doing it this way. One example is that, while work weeks for all employees are a standard 5 days (Monday to Friday), in calculating the amount of vacation days you get they consider Saturday a workday too (even though nobody ever works on Saturdays), so Saturdays are included in the total amount of holiday you are allowed to take, lowering the total number below what is nationally used, accepted, and expected.

The whole situation is utterly demotivating and really, REALLY pissing me off and I've already started looking for other jobs, but considering how long it took me to find this one, it's hard to imagine being able to leave this place any time soon.
Post edited July 06, 2011 by Lorfean
Lorfean: you'd have to be a freaking lawyer and dig deep, deep into the small letters of the law to find and understand the kind of loopholes these guys are subjecting their employees to
I'd be looking up the numbers of lawyers and asking them to have a look. I'd also suggest you keep looking for another job whilst you're doing it, it sounds like you've got a crap one
Post edited July 06, 2011 by Aliasalpha
Lorfean: you'd have to be a freaking lawyer and dig deep, deep into the small letters of the law to find and understand the kind of loopholes these guys are subjecting their employees to
Aliasalpha: I'd be looking up the numbers of lawyers and asking them to have a look. I'd also suggest you keep looking for another job whilst you're doing it, it sounds like you've got a crap one
Yeah, I'm currently looking into joining a union that can help me with legal issues and get me legal representation when necessary. The job itself really isn't bad, but I damn well want my rights and working conditions to match those of the rest of the country, and I hate how they're screwing us over this way.
reaver894: Lol, yet.

Shes got you by the balls :-P
Nah, at the moment I'm not sure really what we are anymore.

She says we are not dating just living together....... I feel some nights I'm the booty call.

It's weird. Saturday night, we had watched a movie at the end she says "Don't freak out, but I may be prego."

So of course I don't freak out but drive to the store and buy 1 of every form of pregnacy test they have.... (I freaked out in the car... I had thought of some great one liners such as "is it mine?". The radio was playing some song about babies..../sigh I felt doomed.)

The person who checked us out was the same guy who made the newlywed comment........

To make matters worse my boss saw me with all those tests.

Tuesday morning he brought in cigars, and bubbly.
Just few hours ago I installed Windows 7, and already my anti-virus informs me that it has deleted a trojan...


Edit, And again!. Both of them appeared after the gamersgate installer removed temp files though..odd...
Post edited July 06, 2011 by KneeTheCap
reaver894: Lol, yet.

Shes got you by the balls :-P
akwater: Nah, at the moment I'm not sure really what we are anymore.

She says we are not dating just living together....... I feel some nights I'm the booty call.

It's weird. Saturday night, we had watched a movie at the end she says "Don't freak out, but I may be prego."

So of course I don't freak out but drive to the store and buy 1 of every form of pregnacy test they have.... (I freaked out in the car... I had thought of some great one liners such as "is it mine?". The radio was playing some song about babies..../sigh I felt doomed.)

The person who checked us out was the same guy who made the newlywed comment........

To make matters worse my boss saw me with all those tests.

Tuesday morning he brought in cigars, and bubbly.
Dude, like, birth control?
oasis789: Dude, like, birth control?
A number of things can lessen the effectiveness of birth control.
akwater: ...
Yeah but what did the little stick say when she peed on it?
Post edited July 06, 2011 by orcishgamer