GameRager: I grew up in the culture of "Yo mama" jokes and heard such all the time between even good me it's(a few random pot shots at one's family) not worth getting upset over. Of course, I can see why some might not like such.
Someone who seemed like a nice guy made one of those "jokes" at me, and I immediately got angry at him.
Then again, that person was a creationist, so maybe not the most intelligent person.
fr33kSh0w2012: Yes but you see I've been under constant harassment my WHOLE LIFE it's bloody annoying as hell I come here to get away from harassment only to cop MORE harassment!
Much of the problem, I would say, is your attitude; particularly, your shouting (on a textual medium, text in all caps is interpreted as shouting) is turning people off.
(Also, use of terms like "bloody" and profanity, particularly overuse of such terms, can also turn people off.)
fr33kSh0w2012: Why the F*** people can't take jokes on these threads is beyond me!
Because not all jokes are harmless. (In particular, posting something that is offensive and then claiming "just a joke" is no excuse, and if the original post violates the rules, saying it is "just a joke" does not excuse the violation.)
(Also, your forum title is also likely to be alienating people.)
GameRager: In general/to the thread: Anyone else having bad weather and constant rain/etc? Where I am at it's been like that for a few days now. Of course the sound is soothing as long as I stay inside and don;t go out and get wet......
Been having the reverse here lately; there has been surprisingly little rain over the last couple of weeks.