DreamedArtist: Burnt my cinnabun toast today and smashed my toe on the tip of a door and cracked the nail, then had a bird shit on my backpack when I was heading to class and got rejected by bill crimkon in class today for handing in a 30 minute late assignment.
Cracked the nail, eh? Two years ago I kicked a wood pile in my backyard and jammed my toe so hard the nail on the big toe turned purple, bled like a stuck pig, and about three weeks later it fell off.
It grew back, so I considered that a good day.
But yeah, the bird poop is a bad one. I don't see how Tauto would think a bird bomb would be good luck. Over here in the southern US we would consider that a dreaded omen and you probably shouldn't leave the house for at least another week, just to be safe.