Posted May 05, 2019

What are you talking about? 0.o
I hope you're feeling better soon, in any case.

Btw, this is the bitch about life in general thread, not the "Bitch about other user's liking those I dislike" thread.
(On a personal note: I tried advocating for/siding with you on some things(and still agree with you on some things), but by treating those who side with those you dislike as trash(and by basically acting childish by doing so) you're not doing yourself and your image any favors(and it ends up calling your character/motivations into question))
(P.P.S. You REALLY want to be seen by many here as a good soul and get those rep points up/be treated fairly? Then stop playing the victim all the time[even when you feel it's justified] & stop being so confrontational with others over minor slights such as liking others you don't like. Do this, and maybe[with time] your rep will go up and people will take a shine to you/treat you better.)
Post edited May 05, 2019 by GameRager