Rodzaju: For this I totally blame my wife!
In so many ways she's awesome, but.... XD
GameRager: Condoms suck that bad that having lots of kids was a better option? 0.o
Well I've never been a fan of condoms!
She told me she was on the pill, so....
We were discussing the idea of kids.
We both wanted them, but there didn't seem to be time.
She was at uni, with 3 years to go.
Then she would have to get established enough in her career that she could take time out & still get back in.
She had already reached 30....
Then one day she anounces that she's pregnant.
I was always slightly suspicous about how accidental that was....
Then apparently her mother tells her "You can't get pregnant while you're breastfeeding"!
So along comes Emma....
I'd have been happy with the 2, but Emma starts nursery & she hasn't got a 'baby' anymore.....
The last one was just out of the blue.
She told me that she was expecting BY TEXT!!!