DubConqueror: You could go the route of the poster above you, Themken is From [so nowhere]
*edit: why does the forum software eat the blank space after the word 'From'?
tinyE: I have asked GOG several times to make Pangaea an option. That would solve it for everyone.
I'd move there as well if it became available. Being from the Netherlands is no longer something to be proud of (to get back on topic in this thread): our government has been pushing a neo-liberal agenda benefiting the already rich countries and the multinationals in the Euro-crisis and we're bungling way below on the ranking of European countries regarding environmental policy. Back when I was young, the Netherlands were a leader in environmental policies, now our government with the liberal party in charge is afraid of alienating big businesses and only wants to adhere to the minimum effort required by European law.
*note for Americans: 'liberal' means the right wing in European policy (though they're closer to the left wing Democrats when compared to America). Left wing in Europe is still socialist luckily.