Posted December 31, 2017

1. I do not reside alone during holidays (unfortunately).
2. Those people were family friends from years ago.
3. Part of family was behind... No; number 3 i will tell only just before leaving gog forever, it is not something i can casually spit out, even whimsically.
4. Old me could never say "NO" to anyone's mug (or deny favors, let alone advances), especially cutiepies with big round eyes...
5. I needed to undertake that trial and even if i hated the life of me today, i finally surpassed my passiveness and incompetence; by being dominant, totally self-controlled and drawing borders.
Besides, don't forget, we rarely have the luxury of choice, to kick out freely to our heart's content, "enemies", "invaders", etc. We will look bad to others, even if we are the victims and the thrashed. Other than that, she was a great actress. I bet she is going to make a killing if she goes to either screen, since it was her teen dream once.
That, and exactly like my place was "raided" and "sacrilege d", especially during holidays, i am so going to "raid" another place, which in my time of need and seeking for guidance, even "attacked" me further and mocked me more... I always take back my way, what others steal or destroy from me, one way or another. At the right time and place; which is further ahead and not yet.