HereForTheBeer: Stupidly chose to take on some work this week, away from home, instead of just working at the house between the holidays. First time in 20+ years, I'm having car trouble on the road. Darn thing won't start - it cranks well but won't fire. Given the cold (and slippery snow this morning), tow trucks are backlogged and it's about 2 hours before they even pick it up and take it to a shop. And then I have to get back over to the customer and continue working on the machine. Possibly need to reschedule tomorrow's visit to another customer, up near Duluth where it's even colder and farther from home. Would really suck to get stuck up there, on a Friday of the holiday weekend.
Should be something simple. Ran fine yesterday afternoon though it was also a bit difficult to start then, too. Frozen fuel line? Possibly, though it's not THAT cold. About 6F right now.
I came in here to grumble about Facebook, but your story left me humbled. Best of luck to you; I hope you can sort everything out before long!