I am on my 2nd round of blood clots from the calf, in the thigh, and up into my abdomen. (the 1st was just 8 DVT's in my calf, and a massive Pulmonary Embolism that almost killed me because barely any blood was getting through to my lungs, and I couldnt walk 3 steps without getting all out of breath),.
Dr.s have no explenation why I am getting clots, as my clotting factor is ok.
They have put me on Eliquis for life now.
I also have degenerative disk disease, and have had 3 disks removed, 2 from my neck.
My head shakes, and I get really woozy feeling (and other weird sensations in my head) unless I use a neck brace that stretches my neck (the neck surgery was supposed to fix this, but it didnt). Also, I can lay down and the stress on my neck isnt as much and I feel better.
I have lost the feeling from my right knee all the way down to my toes, and 2 toes on the left side of my foot, that go in and out for very long periods of time.
My left leg goes out on my for no reason I can think of, except for maybe fatigue? Its like a trick knee, it just all of a sudden gives out.
My coccyx hurts all of the time, and no pain meds can touch it.
My right shoulderblade is becoming like my coccyx, and the pain is unbearable as the coccyx pain is.
I get shooting pains (feels like someone is stabbing me repeatedly) in-between my shoulder blades.
I get migraines, sometimes for as long as 3 days.
I have fatigue ALL of the time, and get tired just sitting.
Right now, all I can do is sit and lay in bed and go to the bathroom.
I am on some pretty heavy meds, including nerve blockers.
I lost my job of 14 years because of the above.
I have been disabled now, without work, since 2015.
The state has denied me disability 3 times now, and my old work wont pay disability either.
So, I have been pennieless for almost 3 years now.
I had to sell almost everything I own, and now live in a scary neighborhood, a very poor part of town, and can afford to eat barely 1x a day.
The state also denies me food stamps.
So, how is your life?
Post edited June 11, 2017 by Dave3d