I had this one job. And i messed it up. I tried to handle the girl my age exactly like the cute little girls... She didn't like that nor did she react well to temptation. Intoxicated by my earlier local successes, even those few, unlikely jack pot wins by hitting on random girls and having my way with them with little effort, i was used to the low difficulty level and the sure-fire technique. Damn it, i missed. She wasn't exactly a strict, old-fashioned gal, but the bratty generation i had been associated with up to now, had me used to other tricks and better reactions, as well as faster flings!
Maybe i am not cut out to be in a relationship with a decent, serious person, after all, sigh... Then again, not my fault exactly; local girls are so strange and instead of experience, they covered me in traumas, scars and abuse, betrayal and cheating on me aside. Unorthodox "warfare" is all i am able to muster, whenever i feel like getting myself some broad!
I know European girls aren't exactly heartless animals like the local breed of freaks that buried me alive, but still, i had both pride and confidence in my "player's" skills, gee! Well, what did i know? There's always a prize that you can't reach, no matter what!
Post edited March 22, 2017 by KiNgBrAdLeY7