richlind33: Humor me for a bit longer. ;p
People are malleable, children especially. And, we are in a period where things are literally coming apart at the seams in our world. Our only hope for the long-term is to regain our ability to adapt to changes in the world that exists outside the confines of the artificial environments that we live in. I'm not overly optimistic, but necessity *is* a powerful motivator, so I wouldn't write us off quite yet.
Dalthnock: I think we mostly agree, in general. We're only stuck in a small bit.
Correct me if I'm wrong. You favour free will, and so do I, but you believe ALL people should strive for free will - something which I also believed, not that long ago - while I believe that we should let the people that demand guidance, to be able to get it.
We are indeed in a period where everything is coming apart, and I now firmly believe that a lot - not all, but quite a lot - of it has to do with the dismantling of religion that has been happening for a while.
Look at all the movements that have originated the last decade, and look at the people who have adopted them. They hold their beliefs as if they are religious tenets. They turned to these movements because religion in the west is now risible, and they need something to take its place.
And it's precisely this that is tearing our society apart. In forsaking God, we brought this all upon ourselves. Deliciously ironic, isn't it?
We will adapt, of course. We have no choice. We can't go back, that is always out of the question.
But when you meet someone who fervently believes in God, instead of arguing, just... let them be. They're happy this way. If you persuade them out of their faith, you gain absolutely nothing, and they become a feminist.
I almost made it unscathed. Well, no ragrets!
You know, i wish you were right, but have you ever tried proving to someone they're the oppressor and not the oppressed? That's far easier to prove of disprove than any deity, yet they hold on? I think human kind wanted rid of religion when they were promised hedonism in exchange. With the realization that hedonism is untenable, the people of the old ways (religion) and the various new ways (nazism, feminism, globalism, nationalism, capitalism, socialism, etc) are essentially at war with each other over what bits of hedonism we get to keep, since we might be able to keep certain things if we throw out other things.
The internet makes things complicated, for now everyone can speak to anyone, but we can also generate echo chambers. The echo chambers are comfy, so many wish to make the echo chambers manifest in reality, rather than just on the internets, and you have people who want to violate the echo chambers as well. Basically, we can act out our warlike methodologies in wars of words instead of weapons. Unfortunately, as the battle heats up, we're finding weapons are joining our war, as with the likes of antifa, pipe bombers, religious warriors (like ISIS), etc. Make no mistake, governments are one of many weapons, and have been in use for a while, but the internet, for a long time, gave us shelter from these weapons, so we could engage in keyboard wars instead. Well, it has come to the point where the worlds are merging yet again: the internet is not a place where you can shoot off your mouth without people causing real world effects, either by taking your shitposting as legitimate excuses for violence, or someone using your shitposting to get you arrested and/or thrown in jail.