Pangaea666: The price is good, but not bonkers good like much else in this sale. The problem is they have set the price so ridiculously high to begin with, so almost no matter how good the sale is, the price will only become decent. Heck, even at 90% off the price is roughly 33% the more normal price on GOG.
Even at 50% off normal price, I'd never even think about buying them, because they are so overpriced to begin with. That's not GOG's fault, btw, and not exactly an uncommon comment to see across various sites.
I am having difficulty understanding your point of view. You are talking about a pack of six (6) games, any of which would be expected to fetch $10 in the US marketplace, priced to move at half of that ($5 each). On top of that already bargain price, you are getting 90% off. So, basically, you are getting $60 worth of games for $3, and you say that that is not a "bonkers good" price. It seems to me that your idea of what constitutes a fair price is a bit skewed.