JakobFel: I don't understand the hate for Creation Club,
it benefits literally everyone. sanscript: No, it doesn't. It completely ruins and crashes certain mods, and especially TC's like Enderal. Bethesda are going to remove all traces of the originals, and only way to get those are via
unofficial channels (see Doom 3 BFG and others).
And yes, as AB2012 is mentioning - it's the
complete antithesis of what mods and free creativity is about. Personally, I'd rather like the choice of endorsing them directly if I can and want and not let Bethesda kill the community and take money for it at the same time.
It's not being cynical, it's being a realist here; CCC is like playing favoritism with only one of your children, and shun the other...
If you're worried about that, just don't get them. Problem solved. Additionally, Doom 3 BFG should not have received the level of criticism that it did. You can still buy the classics independently.
It's absolutely not the antithesis of anything. You can still get way more mods absolutely for free, nobody is forcing anyone to give their mods to Bethesda or anything like that. While there are flaws, CC allows modders to make a little money off of their creations by releasing their work as official content and also, it allows them to be recognized by Bethesda, thus potentially giving them opportunities to work in the games industry. Meanwhile, players have the ability to buy new content for these games indefinitely, going forward. Unlike mods, CC content is official DLC and thus it helps to keep the games alive long-term.
It's real simple: if people don't want to buy CC content, they don't have to. They can continue to use mods as much as they want, for as long as they want. This is just like the arguments against Galaxy: people who don't like it literally want to ruin things for people that do by insisting that GOG end development of it, despite the fact that it's 100% optional.
Like what you like, hate what you hate, just quit acting like your opinions should be forced upon everyone.