apehater: it gets odd, after kickstarter, which offered a pc and ps4 version, suzuki tried additionally to fund on another crowdfunding page. then stopped this attempt for some reasons. now the shenmue 3 project tries to additionally fund them on their
own webpage.
maybe they lied about the amount of money needed to make this game. as i mentioned earlier, 10 millions wouldn't be enough to make real shenmue 3! and it is clear now that they won't see a cent from sega or sony for development.
Q: "Why is the PC version of Shenmue III not offered on this website?"
A: "At the moment, we are discussing the PC version with the related parties."
Elmofongo: Than how much is need to make a Shenmue game 100 Million like SWTOR?
Personally I just hope they find someway to make an HD re-release of the first 2 games.
It's already finished everyone said. Sega just needs to release it already. I read an article awhile ago where Sega admits it failed its fans. I know that to most people Sega is a joke these days. They stay beating that dead horse that is Sonic The Hedgehog and refusing to put out a good game. I mean honestly, do we need these 3D shenanigans? Take it back to Sonic 3, Sonic CD, where the real fun was. But I digress. Recently they released Grandia II on PC which was a good start. Why Sega hasn't said a thing about releasing these two knowing the fanbase and how badly they're wanted? Well, to put it nicely they're clearly a bunch of idiots.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ysnet/shenmue-3/posts/1355513 http://shenmue.link/order/
Here's a new option they just picked up which you linked to. This is the "Slacker Backer" version which will last until somewhere around Christmas? I think that's about what they said. Why they can't let this last until like a month before the game drops I'll never know.
Check it out, the original Shenmue jacket is back for 8K. Did the original backer bail or something? I wouldn't mind getting the jacket myself but I'm not paying 3K for it and 8K is ridiculous. Dude still hasn't appealed to the lower tiers. I don't understand why that jacket can't be $500 at the very most. I seriously doubt it's very good quality so they're only kidding themselves.
What's this about him trying another crowdfunding and failing? He dared? Wonder how the Shenmue lovers took that.
And I don't expect word on a PC version. I think you refer to DRM right? I'm sure we'll never hear about that. He'll release it with DRM and some people will own it but be forced to download it with a crack and they will just have to deal. That's some mess when you own the game and have to download it anyway just to play it. I think I read that happened with Diablo III? This is why I don't own it to this day. And my crusade for a Mac version? I guess I better hope and pray someone ports it. But without the originals I'm not sure I'd care. I can see myself buying it to say I have it, Kickstarter Exclusive PS4 physical version, opening it, playing it a few minutes and then leaving it alone much like the first and second games.
Elmofongo: Than how much is need to make a Shenmue game 100 Million like SWTOR?
Personally I just hope they find someway to make an HD re-release of the first 2 games.
apehater: i'd guess between 20 and 40 miilions
Nah. Didn't he say he needed 11million to reach the game that he wanted? He's at 6.4million now. I don't see it happening.
You know, this is ground I've already tread but I feel like he really shot himself in the foot here. The PS4, IMO, has very few games going for it and nothing software wise. I'm a huge PS fan, I have PSX, PS2, PS3 and PSP. Vita is trash and everyone knows it just as the PSP was trash until it got modded. But the PS4 has very few games worth buying and that translates into a system not worth purchasing. The Wii U is backwards compatible with the Wii. The XBox One is now backwards compatible with the 360 and I heard a rumor they're working on getting it to play original XBox games. Both systems also have few games worth buying IMHO but backwards compatibility is a serious reason to pick either one up. Especially when one considers that both Mom and Pop shops and Gamestop are going retro these days so the old games aren't so hard to find any more. I can't see much of a reason to grab a PS4 when these other consoles offer so much more in the form of their old game libraries. I think I'm not the only one feeling this way and, in that respect, Yu shot himself in the foot. If very few people care for PS4 or intend to buy one plus very few people want a DRM'ed PC version this will and might already be translating into very little interest in this game and poor sales for him.