vemin: Sony involvement is a bad sign. They obviously care only about their platform and make everithing they can do to gimp the game on other platforms. look at the batman arkhan knight crappy pc port we got - main reason here is that publisher just didnt give money for a proper one. they simply wanted to reduce costs...
Here is the different story - this guys will have money from kickstarter and unknown amount of money from sony (that can be spent onlyon ps4 version) - do you guys see where this is going?
in the worst case scenario they'll simply run out of money so only ps4 version will make it to release. others get pre-alfa builds..
in the best case scenario... well. ps4 vesrion will have best effects/grafix.
the main benefit from kickstarter is to be independent from will of big compnies and it is clearly not this case.
p.s. -seriously? no drm-free version? glad i didnt give them a penny.
I noticed this link when I got up this morning. I've never thought of it this way but it makes sense. Sony is helping and in exchange the game cannot be on other consoles. Kinda makes sense.
I truly hope they don't mess up that PC port because Arkham Knight is a mess. Then again as I understand the PS4 version is mostly DLC so a lot of people were boycotting it from the jump. Speaking of DLC I wonder if Suzuki ever considered it? He's going for the Full Monte right now but maybe it'd help to release some more as DLC later on down the road depending on sales?
The DRM and it not being on Mac is what's keeping my money in my pocket right now. The remasters are still an issue but I may be willing to overlook that in the long run. Did ya'll know that a Shenmue Undub was released a year ago? Finally we can be free of those horrible English voices which I hope will change with Shenmue III.
" Yu Suzuki on Twitch this Friday
Hello Shenmue Fans and soon to be Shenmue Fans!
Yu Suzuki will be doing a Twitch stream on Friday, June 26 at 7:00PM PDT (Saturday, June 27 2:00AM GMT).
There is lots of Shenmue to talk about, so look for the Twitch Channel link to be posted with the Update tomorrow.
Until then!"
According to the latest Kickstarter update he'll be on Twitch tomorrow but I'm seriously doubting we'll get any new information or anything out of him. At this point the only thing I want to hear is "other consoles and remasters".