Fairfox: Apparent Lee a scouse is something to do with Merseyside. I looked it up and it sounds Scottish? Yours doesn't sound that strong. You look real cute, tho, but you need the 'stache part! Not sure what the current look is called... Chinstrap? I'm not really into male fashion terms for obvs reasons.
I'm guessing you don't cover Peggle and casual games like that...
What about Escape Goat? Orrr... Guild of Dungeoneering? I thought that would be
super nerdy but it's fab!
Hi FairFox, yeah 'scouse' is just a name for someone who is from Liverpool (like brummie = Birmingham or geordie = Newcastle), my accent has probably lessened a bit cos I don't live there anymore. I was born in Liverpool and lived there till I was about 20, but I've spent the last 8 years living down south.
Sometimes I notice I lose my accent a bit on videos too cos sometimes I'm nervous in front of the camera which for some reason means I use what my mum would call her "telephone voice" and speak more a bit more 'properly'. I'm sure you'll hear the true scouse accent come out as I get more confident.
Thank you btw, very kind of you to say :) ...and no idea about the facial hair names tbh, you've already shown yourself to have more knowledge about it than I do lol. I was torn about whether I should keep the tash or not but you think I should go for it?
I'm really new to Youtube to be honest, at the moment I've just been playing some old classics that I know inside out cos it means I can fly through the game and focus on the chatting bit. I'm mixing it up now though and playing some more modern games (but still the odd old one)...
I've pretty much finished everything I've been playing for the channel so very soon I'm gonna be starting Dark Souls, Undertale and Little Big Adventure (all at once), plus finishing Sonic Mania, plus streaming some PUBG lol, busy bee! I don't recognise those games but I'm up for anything really so I'll deffo check them out and see what I think. Your list of games did remind me of one old game I'd love to play again... Dungeon Keeper.