Maxvorstadt: Earthlings, we have overtaken the Internet. All your microwaves belong to us now!
Resistance is futile!
Dammit...what will we cook our burritos and overpriced foodstuffs in then? o.0
GameRager: IIRC even scientists are not fully sure how or why magnetism works in some regards.
huppumies: I don't want to talk to a scientist, those fine gentlemen are lying and getting me pissed.
Tru nuff
DadJoke007: I don't oppose the manipulation of humans, there are tons of evidence for it. I oppose making claims without evidence, especially something as big as satellites being used for controlling thoughts.
What if the claim has proof but it would be illegal/unsafe to expose it or the source of it(like gov't/corp secrets) is hard to obtain proof from?
Should we dismiss such claims just because evidence is hard to get or unsafe to disseminate?
(Also that clip you posted: The robots ARE REAL. o.0)