LootHunter: And why it makes things "more real"?
I have no diffinitive answer for that. I have suspicions, but there's no research into that, as far as i know. I predict the answer is rather simple, but deep enough in the mind and subconscious that the answer isn't going to come out any time soon. I would guess that it has something to do with negative feelings resulting from suspending disbelief or something related to that ("i just got off to a cartoon, which means i'm too inadequate for the real thing"), but that's only my best guess. There are plenty of plausible explanations. What we do know is, every step of progression towards realism does indeed seem to improve things. Pictures better than fantasy, videos better than pictures, sexting with real person over videos, audio call over sexting, video chatting over just audio, etc (this is neglecting to make room for individuals whom have interaction issues).
I'm no psychic, but I saw comments ... percieve loli as "child proxy".
This is where the spectrum idea comes back into play. Say for a minute you're watching "normal porn." Maybe watching lesbians kissing or something if that's what you get your rocks off to. As you're watching here and there, eventually you realize that you have no idea any thing about these people you see other than they're women and you think what they're doing is hot. Eventually, you start to question whether or not it's OK, because maybe these girls are underage, or maybe they're petite, but you just honestly don't know. And you know it's not particularly illegal, because there's no nudity, even if they are underage. Effectively, you could already be looking at child porn, and have enjoyed it, and not realized it. Now, as it progresses, maybe you find the thrill of it being questionable a form of kink, so now you've generated a preference for it. Next you're intentionally looking for young people. Apparently, this is a growing problem on youtube, which is why polygon or someone wrote an article on how pokemon go channels were getting purged because they got caught in the crossfire when youtube was actively trying to shut down the channels meant for gawking at real children in odd positions.
But that's not even tackling loli itself. Not only are the ages, thanks to styles, obscure, but sometimes it's part of a gag in the material. The trope is that a (usually male) person becomes attracted or even has sex with someone, only to find out shortly after that they're a little different than what they thought before hand. Sometimes they find out during the act, then end up very, very confused. I actually seen this happen on a site called chaberi (random site where people chat with one another in rooms [as opposed to privately] for any number of reasons), where this woman was hitting on guys and i got bored and stopped paying attention, especially when guys who were getting rejected started leaving ('cause i thought the posturing was boring, especially since apparently height and age were everything and i was winning due to my height but i ended up rejecting her when i realized she was just looking for a sexting buddy). I come back to find that they had ended up "sexting" openly in the group, and she finally revealed her age (she asked everyone else theirs, but refused to state her own) after they "finished," and she admitted she was 15. He was 30, and he was not pleased at all.
As for "loli fags," i'm a bit more academic than that. I'm well aware that not everyone perceives loli as real chilren, or even children at all. Trolls don't have strong arguments, usually.
Clearly not. Article said of several complications (including need for caesarian) because of young age and underdeveloped organism. So this only supports notion that appropriate age for sexual activity should be determined by biology. Yes, with some margin for deviation in development.
How do we set the standard, then for objective viewing? Some people have to have these same complications because of just general body size. If not body size, would it have been ok, say, 2 yaers later when she aws 7-8, to give more time for puberty to finish? If we're going to use puberty as a standard, we need to keep in mind this woman basically had a very, very early puberty. Aparently, this can happen as young as 2 in certain unfortunate individuals (apparently this rare condition isn't exclusive to 1 or 2 people).
while few people actually care about cutting down child molestation, even fewer really care about animals
Which brings us to the real point. All that concern about "loli hentai leading to child porn" has nothing to do with actual facts or research results (that are flimsy at best). It's just yet another "protect the children" political populism.
That's pretty contradictory, though: if the population doesn't actually care about protecting the children, then how does that political populism have any power? Instead, it explains why there isn't much research on it, especially with all the political scandles over the years. As far as i can tell, there's more than enough actual abuse going on.
Lodium: Japan is not a SPECIAL case, saying they are special are boredering on racism implying other etnic groups cant have simmilar results in regards to crime statestics
Only if you misrepresent my argument. My argument is that japan, as a country, has a huge issue not only with crime not being reported to police, but police not accurately representing crime statistics. The same thing actually happens in some areas of other countries as well. Take crime in south africa right now, i'm sure when the statistics come out, only white people are committing racially related crime, since the law favors "reparations."
The link of recearch leave much to ... 2015). quote end
I naturally argue that one cannot measure "accptance of rape," and unless there's some way that I don't know about, i think that argument is pretty much moot. The same thing can be said in reverse: there's no way to measure that porn leads to acceptance of rape. Moreover, "risky activies" is not the same as "unusual kinks." The idea that loli could reduce the percentage of pedophiles and hebephiles molesting chidlren is already one of my arguments in favor of loli being legal. If loli made 100% of the world magically as a cost to making 0% of pedophiles molest children, i think that would be well worth support loli. Trying to play the game of saying "we need to eradicate pedophilia" is untenable and impractical. The question is whether or not the overall lowering of pedophiles who act out given opportunities is enough to offset the higher number of pedophiles to the degree that the overall percentage of child molestaitons per capita falls.
Who knew, bad education ... Ruddock, (2015). quote end
Notice, they're admitting that they don't have the numbers to say whether or not it ends up being more damaging broadly. They claim that there is research to contest this, however this research is not conclusive, and not part of this. I do most certainly argue for more research: this is why i'm on the fence about loli, instead of just outright banning it or supporting it. My stance hinges on the fact that we don't know. They're openly admitting, however, that the likelihood of damage is increasing, which is still in agreement with my statements. The problem is, they don't know if it's more damaging overall or more helpful overall, and more research is necessary. Which is half my stance from the beginning: could lead to lower percentages of pedos taking things to real life, but overal increases the number of pedos. The other point of my argument is that we need to decide if the data going either way even really matters.
Ooops, seams even more people are contesting it
Ps. A serious study case wich i asked for is haveng most of the scientist/reacercers agree on the topic
This level of commentary leads me to ask: are you personally invested in this topic?
Quote :
Contesting the Negative Effects Paradigm
While dominant ... by the others.
reading end
Again, "risky sexual behavior" is not the same as "unusual kink." Someone dressing up in a fur suit doesn't count as "risky sexual behavior," just for an example. Moreover, the argument is a long term argument. By nature, the search for whether or not it increases risky behavior is a short term study. Whether or not this leads to unusual kinks like pedophilia would not be within the scope of the research.
As for "loss of innocence," that's what i call the "Santa Effect." "Protecting innocence," as far as I can tell, is more about wanting to relive one's happy childhood and lack of challenges to their own cognitive dissonance, than it is about the wellbeing of the child. To be consistent, I have to regard that, as well, as a form of child exploitation. If consent is about being able to make informed decisions due to mental capacity, accurate and honest information is part of that just as much as brain maturity. While i would argue that there is an appropriate time to educate certain topics a certain way, that's a topic for another discussion.
It seams its not as black and white as you claim
I never claimed it was black and white.