Lodium: The reason why children ... damn about responsibilty.
Absolutely. That said, as far as we can tell, adults shouldn't be exposed to loli either.
Sexual abuse is ... be age restrictions.
There's no evidence to support that we respond differently depending on age, really. In fact, from what evidence we have thanks to sexual behavior changes in prisons, it turns out that there's evidence that your age doesn't really matter when it comes to normalization. It's easy to say that something is complex if you ignore information. Flight mechancis are complex. Rain is complex. Computers are complex. Boomers say that using the internet is complex, as well as a smart phone or computer. If you ignore information, of course it becomes complex. It's actually quite simple: someone has sexual desires, that someone sees someone who would fulfill such desires (this is the factor that loli influences), they come to the conclusion that the risk (if even present) is worth it, thus they commit to the desire. The key to this is the "normalization" process. We have to scrub the idea of seeing children as a viable outlet for sexual frustration, and certainly not encourage things that would suggest children to be ideal outlets.
Here is some ... Russian Federation and the United States.
And how is this relevant to the discussion? If you'd like to branch into a new topic, here, sure, but i'm not concerned about this. These numbers can be explained by sexism in middle-eastern countries, as well as the general lack of interest females seem to have when given a choice (kind of like how most women will prefer jobs involving people instead of things, and vice versa, which is why traditional gender roles always seem to get stronger the more freedom women get, hence sexism is assumed to be dominant in most countries where women have the most rights).
Sexual abuse of ... tiny fists.
Absolutely. Turns out, the more you think your shit doesn't stink, the more you think it's OK to ignore the philosophy you advocate for. There's actually little reason, biologically, why we would reject pedophilia and the like. It's entirely based on arguemnt of both physical and mental safety of the victim. Naturally, some people would argue that a poor person should feel honored to be fondled by a high ranking official.
But if the ... to account.
Defintion of resilience here is questionable. The natural respones of someone sexually abused is to become fearful of sexual scenarios, which is resilience, even if it's not ideal. I stick my hand on a hot stove and become afraid to stick my hand on another stove to see if it's hit, so does that mean i have no resilience? Au contraire, it means i have more, right? The focus on perpetrators is for good reason: the victims largely have no control over the situation, so focus should be on what we can do about the perpetrators since they're the ones who are in control. As for the mitigation of responsibility and ignorance, i think it's a matter of cognitive dissonance. We, especially men, naturally desire younger females from a biological standpoint: they have more eggs and are more easily trainable to our preference (both of which are crucial for making and raising children). I believe there's a level of cognitive dissonance regarding the acceptance that some people might feel attracted to a post-pubescent minor, and another issue, of course, is the number of false rape claims like we're seeing in politics right now. That's not to say that's the only issue for the culture, as we could go on for hours of why someone would have cognitive dissonance regarding exploitation of children. One of the most damning bits of this, of course, is the new virginia bill that allows a woman to kill her child after it is already born, if it poses a risk to her mental health (supposedly, this only applies to a baby with downs or something, but in reality the proposed law is not written to take that into consideration), and this shows that we just really don't care about children as much as we like to pretend we do.
That the ... sexual crime.”
Right, because children make much better victims than adults do.
In his landmark ... huge public outcry.
Right: as i said above, turns out we really don't care about children.
Public attention to ... to childhood sexual abuse.
Which is interesting. It basically says we're most likely to care about children, for once, when our populations are noticeably declining. However, we otherwise don't really give a damn about children.
Lodium: At first, public concern focused on the very ... concerted political battles.
Right, because prior to that it was considered normal (this bit's really important) to have sex with someone as soon as they started developing their secondary sex charactaristics. The idea that mental maturity was necessary for consent was very, very novel. The arguments were largely lost, which is why we're having the discussion again when people are justifying hebephilia, especially those like Milo Yiannopolus who have been abused themselves (and thus would normalize the behavior since puberty seems to be when we don't question what we are normalizing).
In courthouses, the treatment ... the case with girls.
Right, because ability to understand sex was assumed to be mental maturation. Whereas we can find today prepubescent children who are capable of explaining sex. Simultaneously, the world's youngest mother viewed her own daughter as her sister, 'cause she didn't have the mental maturity that we assume correlates with physical maturity. I, personally, would argue there's 3 components: physical maturity, sexual understanding, and mental maturity (the capability of understanding he overall picture of how things will affect you long term).
At first, the focus was on physical harm to the young person or the ruin ... unhygienic toilet seats.
No surprise there.
The twentieth century witnessed a ... and issues of consent.
Right. Even in my own case of abuse, my memory of who my abuser was was highly flawed, because i largely understood pretty much nothing other than "yo, this guy is touching me in ways that even my mother wasn't touching me, and they're requesting i touch them similarly, when i never touched my mother like that." The only way i can piece together the identity is by knowing what was going on in my life at the time and concluding from what i've been told later as to who the most likely perpetrator was. At the time it happened, though, everyone knew who it was that did it.
The problem with the “psychologizing” ... crucial issues.
Absolutely, which is where the loli bit comes into this. Loli aides the rationalization of the abuse, significantly, because it allows people to develop a cognitive dissonance regarding the impact of psychological damage on their victim, especially if their victim is underage and agrees to the sexual conduct.
Defenders of the ... accountability can minimize it.
If the claims were true, why is sexual abuse perpetrated by the church still ongoing?
So the question is, "what do we do with this information?" We know primarily that it boils down to sexual desire, potentiality (viable outlet), opportunity (unequal power relationships). We know (or assume) that we can lower sexual desire by offering more outlets, such as sex dolls, etc (which seem to be opposed by femminist organizations). We know that sometimes the measures to sate sexual desires either don't work or quit working (which is why people rape when they have viable sex toys at home) so we know that porn doesn't fix the problem long term (potentially worsens it). We know that we normalize what we consider a viable source of sating the desire (potential victim) is largely determined by what we normalize (which is largely, but not exclusively, determined by what society deems acceptable or not). And, lastly, we know that the unequal power between an adult and a child is not only untenable to manage, but absolutely necessary for the child's wellbeing (in non-exploitive scenarios, like parenting, education, etc). The logical conclusion, i would say, is that if you want to reduce the amount of child sexual abuse, you would want to encourage the legalization of prostitution, buidling a wall (since sex slavery in the US seems to be largely provided for via illegal immigration in exchange for sex slavery), and outlawing certain forms of pornography that normalize the sexualization of children.