UCrest: I loved the classic style of video games like Final Fantasy Tactics and pixel art. On the wishlist, for now. And waiting for owner reviews. Thanks, GOG!
Ah... there is a DEMO to test
here. ;)
Thanks for pointing that out.
A review in GOG says to go play Arbiter Mark instead. Just started that, and they look very differently. Arbiter takes Final Fantasy Tactics as reference. Loads of characters, changes of careers, multiple combinations. Vanaris seems to be more classic: you have a team of characters and you develop them, without so much constant changes (dunno for real, but that is the impression).
Also to remember is Regalia, where each character had a particular skill tree where the player was expected to change the selected abilities constantly. So there was mutation but within the same class. Very nice for those who like to experiment. Very far away from the more classic games where one agonizes over choosing this or that skill because there will be no reskilling whatsoever.