Cavalary: Because GOG is CDP's store, meant to be milked for profits used to fund CDP's projects, plus of course keep their shareholders happy. CDP
were the good guys back when they were a bunch of former "pirates" who really knew gamers because they were more that than businessmen themselves and had the interests of said gamers at heart, championing them against those of the industry, and when they just somehow managed to make the first Witcher as mainly a labor of love that almost failed to see the light of day. Then they decided to look more into the business aspects, Witcher 2 starting their slide towards being professionals and making compromises; you may recall that Witcher 2 was really the first game that ended up here with regional pricing, even if at least at the time they fought it tooth and nail... after the fact, instead of avoiding the deal that brought it about in the first place. And then Witcher 3 was an AAA title with AAA requirements, including that of the company behind it "adapting" to the practices of the other big guys and the industry's "norms".
They could have avoided the deal, but only by going bankrupt, then we'd never have seen W2, GOG, W3, etc.
Simple fact is they had to make some compromises, to get the publisher money to finish the game.
They stood their ground on what they (and I) considered the most important point.
They didn't sell the Witcher franchise rights, so still owned the IP.
They had to even accept DRM, on the physical disc vesions in the US, but still kept it DRM free on GOG.
Which hadf a fringe benfit, of showing it was the DRM version that got pirated, even though it needed a crack.
GOG release wasn't torrented anywhere near as much,
In the end we've got to judge the company on what we really want.
The GOG of old, ceased to exist the moment it became a public company with tradable shares.
Only as a private company could the owner make consumer favourable decisions, that made less profit.
Last I heard he held 30% of the shares, so is vulnerable to being forced out.
That's usually enough to keep control, but if a richer business wants to pay more to buy up all the shares, he can lose control. Exactly the same thing that's happening with Ubisoft.
Without owning a majority (51%) of the shares, a forced takeover is possible, and to keep the 70% he doesn't own happy with his decisions, he must make more profit, even if it's not consumer friendly.
Each GOG user must draw there own line, and make it clear that will be where they stand.
My line is Offline installers, I detest all Store clients, and the only good thing about Galaxy, is it's optional.
Store Clients, are a plague, and as bad as DRM to me, especially when multi-player requires it.
All MPG's should have that functionality built into the game, not depend on a damn store client.
A multi-player game that requies a store client, is not a game I will play.
As a result, I rarely touch multiplayer games, and modes, when I'm forced to use a client in SPG's, I turn everything I can off, not intersested in any of that added bloat, with GOG I can just ignore the client entirely.
So that's my line,.DRM free offline installers, with Galaxy optional.
MPG's, and modes, have already crossed the line, and I won't play them.
I'm a Single Player Gamer, at heart, and rarely take any interest in Multi-Player.