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Journey into psychosis.

<span class="bold">Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice</span>, a narrative adventure into a shattered mind, is now available, DRM-free, on

From Ninja Theory, the creators of DmC: Devil May Cry, Heavenly Sword, and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, comes the haunting tale of Senua, a celtic warrior struggling with trauma and psychosis. Exploring the challenges of delivering an AAA experience using independent means, the visionary studio is set to deliver a captivating narrative of stunning beauty.

Watch the trailer.

To learn more about Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice see our pre-release review roundup , catch up on Q&amp;As with the devs, and learn more about the unique way Hellblade is being created in these dev diaries.
Post edited August 22, 2017 by maladr0Id
I hate devs deciding, how I can save , so ignore thir decisions, and use 3rd party tools, or good old Manual copying.

A simple hot key to backup/restore a save tool is
SaveGame Backup Manager

A more complete, full solution to game Bavckups, including cusom cloud saves, and timed as you play backups,
GameSave Manager

I'm sure there's others you can buy, but both these are free to use.
You need never be dictated to by devs again, and can keep a backup, incase you lose the original saves.

Only thing I'd like to have these don't provide, is auto backup on file change. That I'd pay for.

I've bought Hellblade (After release), but not played it yet, got through opening cutscene, and saved it their, for now,
i_ni: The protagonist being like 14 years old girl kinda turns me off. Is it yet another gender-correct RPG game?
Does it matter (story and mechanics-wise) that it's a woman? Is there a female specific stuff. It's advertised as a game focused on psychology - I believe there's a difference between the male and female ones?


Edit: PS. Almost forgot it: please, don't ban me
Being 14 years old was probably a little bit different during Viking times than it is today :P IIRC, the life expectancy around those times was probably around 30 years or so...
i_ni: The protagonist being like 14 years old girl kinda turns me off. Is it yet another gender-correct RPG game?
Does it matter (story and mechanics-wise) that it's a woman? Is there a female specific stuff. It's advertised as a game focused on psychology - I believe there's a difference between the male and female ones?


Edit: PS. Almost forgot it: please, don't ban me
The story seems to not take notice of her gender and seems to treat her like any other protagonist from different games.

(There are no sjw themes in this game if that is what you asking about)
groze: Fortunately, most GOG customers couldn't care less about the forums and just vote with their wallets by buying or not buying the games. Senua's Sacrifice is the second most popular game on GOG, right now, following Tacoma, according to the "Popular" list on the front page, so I guess all the crap we talk about in here doesn't really matter much.
Nicole28: I don't think people are as mad about the title as you think they are. it's more or less, contemplation or noting about specific things that flickers out to them, seeing as the game was hyped to a certain extent as well.

For those who support DRM-Free, it's pretty important that as many games as possible sell well enough on GOG, so that we still have a GOG to buy stuff from.
Definitely plan to buy this game on its first sale, even if that's only 10%. It will also give time for new drivers to come out for the game that will work with my 960m.
JudasIscariot: Being 14 years old was probably a little bit different during Viking times than it is today :P IIRC, the life expectancy around those times was probably around 30 years or so...
Only if you killed them in war, child birth, or in a game :p
JudasIscariot: Being 14 years old was probably a little bit different during Viking times than it is today :P IIRC, the life expectancy around those times was probably around 30 years or so...
fishbaits: Only if you killed them in war, child birth, or in a game :p
Actually you kinda proved his point. According to the site you linked to approximately 60% of the total population didn't reach 30. So 30 would probably be the life expectancy of the time.

[EDIT] Of course if you took child mortality out of the equation the life expectancy would be higher. Given that the protagonist is 14 though...
Post edited August 09, 2017 by tremere110
high rated
I am fascinated by the spectrum of comments this game is drawing. Dare I say they are from the sublime to the ridiculous. Complaining about a game because the character is male/ female, black white, young/old, etc/etc as having some kind of agenda which is not aligned with your own (prejudice) only serves one purpose, highlighting your own shortcomings. It is even more intriguing when those complaining have not even purchased the game.

I want to read comments to see if a game is something that I would like to PLAY. By play, I mean siting down in front of my PC and monitor and spending time being entertained by having fun, by being engaged with a character, being impressed by the visual presentation and even having emotive responses to what is being bourne out in front of me. I like the games I play to be a distraction from my day to day life and if along the way they make me reflect on an issue whether internal or in the world I live in, then I think of that as an added bonus. I am not looking to over analyse every creative choice made by the developers, just to berate them for it, as this game seems to be attracting. Such comments have not actually informed me of wether I should spend my 'hard earned' on this game.

To that end, let me comment on the game that I have purchased and enjoyed and would give a 9/10 and highly recommend you play.

Critisicm first, I would have given it a full 10/10 however I do not feel it has any replay value as it is a linear story and once experienced, in my opinion the experience is so good it cannot be repeated. I do not think I will play this game again any time soon but I am more than happy to have spent the the £2.10 per hour of entertainment (10 ish hr play time) that this game has provided.

For me Senua's Sacrafice was amazing it definitely fitted the bill of what I like to PLAY, the fight mechanics though simple were involving and created tension.
The range of enemies differed sufficiently and progressed in difficulty throughout the game to keep the encounters challenging.
The world design was realistic, cinematic, beautiful and at times terrifying and throughout well constructed.
The puzzles and the game mechanics used to solve them were difficult enough to keep the grey matter engage without halting game progression.
Sound design was equally spectacular with the binaural effects utilised to maximum effect and on more than one occasion I had to glance behind me and shrink away from the well acted voices and portrayed sounds.
The main protagonist was portrayed amazingly and I cared for her plight throughout and felt every blow, heard every voice and felt every emotion she did, bravo. In fact all characters were well acted.
I did not have any graphical issues or glitches throughout and played on max settings. (I7 6700k, GTX 1070,m 16G RAM, Win 10 64bit)
Last but not least a comment on the portrayal of psychosis in this game. It is obvious that the developers researched this topic thoroughly and have attempted to portray this in this game. Whether it is a gimic or not this effort should be applauded, as if nothing else, it brings attention to a topic that continues to have stigma attached to it and will at least enlighten the (hopefully) millions of users of this media in some way.

Well done Ninja Theory!
i_ni: The protagonist being like 14 years old girl kinda turns me off. Is it yet another gender-correct RPG game?
Does it matter (story and mechanics-wise) that it's a woman? Is there a female specific stuff. It's advertised as a game focused on psychology - I believe there's a difference between the male and female ones?


Edit: PS. Almost forgot it: please, don't ban me
Yeshu: So in short, you don't like playing games with female protagonists. Just don't buy the game then.
Almost there: I find it difficult to *roleplay* a female character. Interestingly, a reply suggests it's gender neutral. Could give it a try then.

Regarding the age: I'm fine with roleplaying it. Children training and going to war is a fact, see

I have difficulties *roleplaying* the opposite sex in a RPG. I don't complain. I asked if there're females themes which would worsen my experience.

Also, the majority of players are still males I guess (references needed). Probably there're others like me (so it's a topic of general interest)?

I'm sorry if you consider I'm derailing the topic (on purpose) - I'm not. It's like asking what the accessibility(flashes, font sizes, ...) options are. Considering all these and for the sake of satisfying my curiosity, is there a reference to why a female character was chosen? It's a design choice for sure, not a dice roll.

Thanks again!
high rated
i_ni: Almost there: I find it difficult to *roleplay* a female character. Interestingly, a reply suggests it's gender neutral. Could give it a try then.

Regarding the age: I'm fine with roleplaying it. Children training and going to war is a fact, see

I have difficulties *roleplaying* the opposite sex in a RPG. I don't complain. I asked if there're females themes which would worsen my experience.

Also, the majority of players are still males I guess (references needed). Probably there're others like me (so it's a topic of general interest)?

I'm sorry if you consider I'm derailing the topic (on purpose) - I'm not. It's like asking what the accessibility(flashes, font sizes, ...) options are. Considering all these and for the sake of satisfying my curiosity, is there a reference to why a female character was chosen? It's a design choice for sure, not a dice roll.

Thanks again!
Yeah, and as a woman, I find it a lot harder to 'roleplay' a man, but I can assure you there aren't nearly as many games with female protagonists as there are with male protagonists. I've been reading the Steam discussions for this game and I'm amazed at how many men complain about not wanting to play the game because there's a female protagonist, and throw an absolute hissy fit over it. Meanwhile, the reality is that there are far, far more games with male protagonists than female protagonists.

Recent surveys have found that 48% of gamers are women, but that includes mobile games as well, so it's not very useful. However, a quick search revealed this 2013 article that says 38% of XBOX users are female. So I'd reckon there are more women than you might think.
i_ni: Almost there: I find it difficult to *roleplay* a female character. Interestingly, a reply suggests it's gender neutral. Could give it a try then.

Regarding the age: I'm fine with roleplaying it. Children training and going to war is a fact, see

I have difficulties *roleplaying* the opposite sex in a RPG. I don't complain. I asked if there're females themes which would worsen my experience.

Also, the majority of players are still males I guess (references needed). Probably there're others like me (so it's a topic of general interest)?

I'm sorry if you consider I'm derailing the topic (on purpose) - I'm not. It's like asking what the accessibility(flashes, font sizes, ...) options are. Considering all these and for the sake of satisfying my curiosity, is there a reference to why a female character was chosen? It's a design choice for sure, not a dice roll.

Thanks again!
FearfulSymmetry: Yeah, and as a woman, I find it a lot harder to 'roleplay' a man, but I can assure you there aren't nearly as many games with female protagonists as there are with male protagonists. I've been reading the Steam discussions for this game and I'm amazed at how many men complain about not wanting to play the game because there's a female protagonist, and throw an absolute hissy fit over it. Meanwhile, the reality is that there are far, far more games with male protagonists than female protagonists.

Recent surveys have found that 48% of gamers are women, but that includes mobile games as well, so it's not very useful. However, a quick search revealed this 2013 article that says 38% of XBOX users are female. So I'd reckon there are more women than you might think.
I'm much like i_ni, I can't immerse myself into a game when playing with the opposite gender than mine, but that's just my tastes and no matter what people say, I'm not going to spend money for something I will not enjoy regardless. With that said, I'm not complaining about this game's protagonist, I will simply pass over it; this game should be more relatable to female players who are in the same situation as myself. But to be honest, I'm actually surprised that on steam many people complained about the main character's gender being female, I still remember that when someone complains about female protagonists in other games, they are always isulted by the community (which I don't like, as anyone has rights to say what they think and do what they want with their money), so I expected a good bunch of fans from the game defending the main character.
Post edited August 10, 2017 by Gurlok
FearfulSymmetry: Yeah, and as a woman, I find it a lot harder to 'roleplay' a man, but I can assure you there aren't nearly as many games with female protagonists as there are with male protagonists. I've been reading the Steam discussions for this game and I'm amazed at how many men complain about not wanting to play the game because there's a female protagonist, and throw an absolute hissy fit over it. Meanwhile, the reality is that there are far, far more games with male protagonists than female protagonists.

Recent surveys have found that 48% of gamers are women, but that includes mobile games as well, so it's not very useful. However, a quick search revealed this 2013 article that says 38% of XBOX users are female. So I'd reckon there are more women than you might think.
Gurlok: I'm much like i_ni, I can't immerse myself into a game when playing with the opposite gender than mine, but that's just my tastes and no matter what people say, I'm not going to spend money for something I will not enjoy regardless. With that said, I'm not complaining about this game's protagonist, I will simply pass over it; this game should be more relatable to female players who are in the same situation as myself. But to be honest, I'm actually surprised that on steam many people complained about the main character's gender being female, I still remember that when someone complains about female protagonists in other games, they are always isulted by the community (which I don't like, as anyone has rights to say what they think and do what they want with their money), so I expected a good bunch of fans from the game defending the main character.
Which is fine and a sensible attitude. Indeed, I am mostly surprised at the amount of people on Steam going into an absolute rage over it, when there are far more games that are 'catered to' (if we can call having a male protagonist that) men than to women. But to me, it doesn't make sense to complain about that. I don't go to every game that has a male protagonist and complain about that either; it seems a quite pointless endeavour.
Gurlok: I'm much like i_ni, I can't immerse myself into a game when playing with the opposite gender than mine, but that's just my tastes and no matter what people say, I'm not going to spend money for something I will not enjoy regardless. With that said, I'm not complaining about this game's protagonist, I will simply pass over it; this game should be more relatable to female players who are in the same situation as myself. But to be honest, I'm actually surprised that on steam many people complained about the main character's gender being female, I still remember that when someone complains about female protagonists in other games, they are always isulted by the community (which I don't like, as anyone has rights to say what they think and do what they want with their money), so I expected a good bunch of fans from the game defending the main character.
FearfulSymmetry: Which is fine and a sensible attitude. Indeed, I am mostly surprised at the amount of people on Steam going into an absolute rage over it, when there are far more games that are 'catered to' (if we can call having a male protagonist that) men than to women. But to me, it doesn't make sense to complain about that. I don't go to every game that has a male protagonist and complain about that either; it seems a quite pointless endeavour.
I can't do anything other than completely agree with what you just said. Complaining about the main character of a game which was advertised beforehand being female and which has laready fully developed and released is simply silly and not instructive at all.

I could understand if this was done when the game was in some form of Early Access, so that devs could think about it and the likes, but this is not the case.

Now I'm going a bit OT, but when "The Surge" was released on steam, a female player asked if there was a way to play as a female character, question which was bashed by the cancerous community insulting her ad whatnot just for asking that simply question (a way to defend the game, perhaps? Nonetheless, this was a childish and cruel behaviour).

With that said, I hope this game will do well, both on steam and GOG aswell.
Props to Ninja Theory. I'm about a half hour in, and the game is very accurate in the foreboding portrayal of mental illness. This is going to be a masterpiece story, I can feel it.
Controls just fine with m+k, in case anyone's wondering. Keys are rebindable to almost anything you want.

However, and that's reportedly happening to quite a few other people on all kinds of setups and resolutions up to and including 4K as well - there's some kind of excessive AA and/or other post-processing/filtering going on which makes the overall image very blurry.
Editing some of the INIs helps make it a bit more bearable but it's still far away from what one would call "crisp" or "sharp". Which is a real shame because it really is a very pretty game.
avatar Journey into psychosis.

<span class="bold">Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice</span>, a narrative adventure into a shattered mind, is now available, DRM-free, on

From Ninja Theory, the creators of DmC: Devil May Cry, Heavenly Sword, and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, comes the haunting tale of Senua, a celtic warrior struggling with trauma and psychosis. Exploring the challenges of delivering an AAA experience using independent means, the visionary studio is set to deliver a captivating narrative of stunning beauty.

Watch the trailer.

To learn more about Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice see our pre-release review roundup , catch up on Q&amp;As with the devs, and learn more about the unique way Hellblade is being created in these dev diaries.
In my opinion this game was great. The story and the ongoing voices in her head warning complaing helping and picking on her. With my headset on i could almost feel like i was there. The acting was perfect. The game mechanics took a little getting used to but when you parry cuz a voice told you to look out it felt awesome. I wouldn't know how to describe this game it hit's so many genre's. But they did it so well that all i can say is thank you Ninja Theory and all those involed.