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Journey into psychosis.

<span class="bold">Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice</span>, a narrative adventure into a shattered mind, is now available, DRM-free, on

From Ninja Theory, the creators of DmC: Devil May Cry, Heavenly Sword, and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, comes the haunting tale of Senua, a celtic warrior struggling with trauma and psychosis. Exploring the challenges of delivering an AAA experience using independent means, the visionary studio is set to deliver a captivating narrative of stunning beauty.

Watch the trailer.

To learn more about Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice see our pre-release review roundup , catch up on Q&amp;As with the devs, and learn more about the unique way Hellblade is being created in these dev diaries.
Post edited August 22, 2017 by maladr0Id
Picard85: The most bizarre thing about this game is I still have no idea what genre it is, what the gameplay is like. Is it a puzzle/adventure, 3rd person hack & slash, a dark walking simulator... The store descriptions both here and on Steam are devoid of any reasonable description or feature list. It's like, hey this game is so weird and creepy and awesome, buy it. :?
Draek: After my first ~hour with it, I'd say... a mix of all three. It does have combat set pieces, which feel a lot like Dark Souls, but there's some exploration-based puzzles with creepy infodumps into the background, *and* some... ¿puzzles? where you may actually die; not QTEs, but more like timed challenges with enviromental hazards. Hard to go into detail without spoilers.

Gotta say, though, coolest part of the game so far is how they integrated the voices into the combat; I thought it was just a gimmick made for the trailer, but they do yell stuff like "careful!" or "behind you!" in between their usual commentary, which is... actually really helpful.

It's weird, it's beautiful, it's helishly dark, but I think the game's appeal lies mostly in its mood and storytelling; gameplay is far more involved than a Telltale game, but isn't terribly innovative thus far.
So those voices in the trailer are not just for atmosphere? They actually guide you?
boshou: However, and that's reportedly happening to quite a few other people on all kinds of setups and resolutions up to and including 4K as well - there's some kind of excessive AA and/or other post-processing/filtering going on which makes the overall image very blurry.
Editing some of the INIs helps make it a bit more bearable but it's still far away from what one would call "crisp" or "sharp". Which is a real shame because it really is a very pretty game.
That indeed would be bad. All pictures and videos from the game I've seen so far were sharp though. Do you have some examples of that blurring?
FearfulSymmetry: Which is fine and a sensible attitude. Indeed, I am mostly surprised at the amount of people on Steam going into an absolute rage over it, when there are far more games that are 'catered to' (if we can call having a male protagonist that) men than to women. But to me, it doesn't make sense to complain about that. I don't go to every game that has a male protagonist and complain about that either; it seems a quite pointless endeavour.
I myself like games with female protagonist (or a choice between m/f) more than with a male as the only possibility. As I saw a long time ago someone say on the internet "if the game makes you stare at someone's butt for several days, it's your choice if you want it to be male, but I prefer women more". But that requires that you don't take the "roleplay" part too seriously, there is nothing wrong if you like to really immerse in RP and can't do it for opposite gender. There are plenty of choices to satisfy either. Raging about the choice or lack of it on the internet... people have way too much time on their hands. Gog discussions have been pretty mature about this topic, maybe I should start frequenting other places to really experience the hate :)
Genocide2099: So those voices in the trailer are not just for atmosphere? They actually guide you?
The voices give hints about what you're doing and when to dodge in combat, when you or your opponent are almost dead, and what the next objective is. They are almost essential to some parts (especially the claustrophobic combat in large groups... your dodge finger will twitch every time you hear the words "Behind you!") in order to finish the game, and in the final segments, will tell you how to actually complete the last part.
boshou: However, and that's reportedly happening to quite a few other people on all kinds of setups and resolutions up to and including 4K as well - there's some kind of excessive AA and/or other post-processing/filtering going on which makes the overall image very blurry.
Editing some of the INIs helps make it a bit more bearable but it's still far away from what one would call "crisp" or "sharp". Which is a real shame because it really is a very pretty game.
eiii: That indeed would be bad. All pictures and videos from the game I've seen so far were sharp though. Do you have some examples of that blurring?
Well, it´s TAA. Sometimes it tends to be blurry, but it wasn´t the case here (finished it in 2160p native)
It can be disactivated in ini anyways. Resolution scale can be activated there as well if somebody wants an even crispier image.
Prah: Seems like the perma death is a bluff after all.

Yes, the game promises you that the rot will increase with every death, eventually killing Senua permanently. It just, well, doesn’t. The rot will grow to a certain point - which we think is governed by how far through the game you are - and then stop. In fact, this happens fairly quickly after a couple of deaths. Details, and 50 of our own deaths, are in the video above.
well thats a relief, back on my wishlist
eiii: That indeed would be bad. All pictures and videos from the game I've seen so far were sharp though. Do you have some examples of that blurring?
RadonGOG: Well, it´s TAA. Sometimes it tends to be blurry, but it wasn´t the case here (finished it in 2160p native)
It can be disactivated in ini anyways. Resolution scale can be activated there as well if somebody wants an even crispier image.
How can TAA and resolution scale be enabled/disabled? I see nothing regarding either on google.
UhuruNUru: I hate devs deciding, how I can save , so ignore thir decisions, and use 3rd party tools, or good old Manual copying.

A simple hot key to backup/restore a save tool is
SaveGame Backup Manager

A more complete, full solution to game Bavckups, including cusom cloud saves, and timed as you play backups,
GameSave Manager
thanks, gonna give game save man a try, im sick to death of saving manually for games, used to be a rare thing to have one save feature now it seems its becoming standard gaming procedure.
RadonGOG: Well, it´s TAA. Sometimes it tends to be blurry, but it wasn´t the case here (finished it in 2160p native)
It can be disactivated in ini anyways. Resolution scale can be activated there as well if somebody wants an even crispier image.
bongboy: How can TAA and resolution scale be enabled/disabled? I see nothing regarding either on google.
You have to insert the following in the engine.ini and replace the 100 with the desired percentage to enable resolution scale:

All these commands for UnrealEngine4 can be found in the web. Example:
bongboy: How can TAA and resolution scale be enabled/disabled? I see nothing regarding either on google.
RadonGOG: You have to insert the following in the engine.ini and replace the 100 with the desired percentage to enable resolution scale:

All these commands for UnrealEngine4 can be found in the web. Example:
Thank you very much. I tried searching for this but wasn't able to find it. This list looks like it will be very useful for many games.
FearfulSymmetry: Which is fine and a sensible attitude. Indeed, I am mostly surprised at the amount of people on Steam going into an absolute rage over it, when there are far more games that are 'catered to' (if we can call having a male protagonist that) men than to women. But to me, it doesn't make sense to complain about that. I don't go to every game that has a male protagonist and complain about that either; it seems a quite pointless endeavour.
huan: I myself like games with female protagonist (or a choice between m/f) more than with a male as the only possibility. As I saw a long time ago someone say on the internet "if the game makes you stare at someone's butt for several days, it's your choice if you want it to be male, but I prefer women more". But that requires that you don't take the "roleplay" part too seriously, there is nothing wrong if you like to really immerse in RP and can't do it for opposite gender. There are plenty of choices to satisfy either. Raging about the choice or lack of it on the internet... people have way too much time on their hands. Gog discussions have been pretty mature about this topic, maybe I should start frequenting other places to really experience the hate :)
Better not, you'll need the eye bleach afterwards. :P
wow, have played ninja theory's action games but this looks a lot deeper. and from the trailer alone, it looks like NT knows how to do faces much better than Bioware. :-)
So any of you tested the Photo Mode ?
i_ni: Almost there: I find it difficult to *roleplay* a female character. Interestingly, a reply suggests it's gender neutral. Could give it a try then.

Regarding the age: I'm fine with roleplaying it. Children training and going to war is a fact, see

I have difficulties *roleplaying* the opposite sex in a RPG. I don't complain. I asked if there're females themes which would worsen my experience.

Also, the majority of players are still males I guess (references needed). Probably there're others like me (so it's a topic of general interest)?

I'm sorry if you consider I'm derailing the topic (on purpose) - I'm not. It's like asking what the accessibility(flashes, font sizes, ...) options are. Considering all these and for the sake of satisfying my curiosity, is there a reference to why a female character was chosen? It's a design choice for sure, not a dice roll.

Thanks again!
FearfulSymmetry: Yeah, and as a woman, I find it a lot harder to 'roleplay' a man, but I can assure you there aren't nearly as many games with female protagonists as there are with male protagonists. I've been reading the Steam discussions for this game and I'm amazed at how many men complain about not wanting to play the game because there's a female protagonist, and throw an absolute hissy fit over it. Meanwhile, the reality is that there are far, far more games with male protagonists than female protagonists.

Recent surveys have found that 48% of gamers are women, but that includes mobile games as well, so it's not very useful. However, a quick search revealed this 2013 article that says 38% of XBOX users are female. So I'd reckon there are more women than you might think.
You're the first fellow female gamer I well met :-) Nice to meet you!
So we're in the same train of difficutlies then... Did you give the game a try?

On par with your reference is this end-of-2014 article based on a servey in US. To my surprise females dominate the US RPG market with ~ 54% share! So roughly every second reader or poster of this thread could be a female. (Why is it only you who speak up?)
So, since the thread's still trickling along nicely and somebody here might be in the know...
I set combat difficulty to "auto". Does anyone know what exactly that does?
Also, blocking doesn't seem to actually block (it's more like, hurling yourself at the opponent) and seems a fairly risky move since you open yourself up to a counterattack (the thing I'd actually try to avoid by the act of "blocking").
Combat's been a bit sparse so far (which I'm fine with), but it feels like there's not enough time to just fiddle around with the controls to get used to them.

Other than that, what little I've played has been great. I like left-clear'n-close voice. She seems nice and supportive :)