Posted October 05, 2016

I decided to poke around a bit more and I just found user 'rmakagon' here in the forums, funny enough also by coincidence - one of my own replies to rmakagon LOL
Clicking on the link to the original reply takes us to:
Which shows a username of "Raff" who it turns out is already on the "blues" list at #39, so I think it is safe to conclude Raff==rmakagon and that they changed their forum username at some point to an alias. Might want to put "Raff a.k.a. rmakagon" into the comment for #39 in the first post in that case. If not, it's here in my post anyway if anyone stumbles upon the name and searches the forums. :)
I believe it's safe to say that "Raff" is a Galaxy developer, as rmakagon shows up within Galaxy's binaries. Elementary my dear Watson! :oP
So a new question comes up... instead of "Is mrkgnao, rmakagon?", is rmakagon perhaps mrkgnao? :oP Both would seem to know a fair bit about GOG APIs and whatnot. Ooo a conspiracy theory! LOL
Most likely just a bizarre pseudo-coincidence though. :oP
Post edited October 05, 2016 by skeletonbow