GameRager: I have one as well...wouldn't sell it if you forced me at gunpoint.....yes, I have wii as well, but if Wii breaks that thing will still keep on ticking like it has for over 5 years before I got the Wii.
Cheap as hell currently, and sturdy as a rock that system is...pity it didn't garner a larger game library. :( :\
I have a Wii as well. Being able to play a Gamecube game without having to go through the menu with a wiimote is nice (I'm sure there's a homebrew solution to that, but I've been too lazy to bother. :P), but I mostly keep the Gamecube for that little black platform under it, the Gameboy Player. Good stuff, that.
It's also much sturdier than the Wii, yes. Nintendo has gotten surprisingly cheap with their systems as of late. The DS Lite has the notorious hinge problem. Even my friend's DS Lite has a glaring crack on the hinge. My DS, which I got at launch, has been great thus far (though it's about time to replace the battery), but recently the top screen stopped working right.
Unfortunately, barely anybody supports the original DS, and I had to figure it out on my own. I suspected it was the ribbon cable connecting the screen to the mainboard, as the screen got garbled as I moved the hinge. After ordering and figuring out how to replace the cable (it wasn't too much harder than replacing the touch screen on yet another friend's original DS, which somebody gave him used as a gift, only for the touch screen to be very messed up), my suspicions thankfully proved correct, and it's been working like new.
The Wii had a problem with the disk drive. Apparently, part of it can become unaligned and need raising by a millimeter or two, or else it makes a frighteningly loud grinding noise, all the time. Fixed that too. Let me tell you, I've seen my share of hard to open systems, but Nintendo does NOT want you to open the thing. They had a field day on adding screw covers and screws. Needless to say, I didn't bother putting them all back in. :P
It's all good, though. I LOVE working with electronics, especially when it results in fixing things up good as new. <3
You can get a GC for $30 last I checked, and an XBox (aka super-cheap all-purpose entertainment system that's TV ready and power-efficient) for $50. A decade has a way of really slashing prices, doesn't it?
As for the Gamecube's library, I'd say it wound up being pretty large actually, and while it's certainly nowhere near as big as PS2's, it has some real juggernauts. Super Smash Bros Melee was the reason I got the system (I loved the original SSB that much), and Pac-Man Vs made for some great multiplayer. Four Swords was pretty good too. There was Twin Snakes, Symphonia, the Baten Kaitos games, Luigi's Mansion, Sunshine, Air Ride, Double Dash, Resident Evil 1-4, Eternal Darkness, Wind Waker, tons of Sonic games, Fire Emblem, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, and a good amount of other great games. Not the least of which may be my favorite racing game, F-Zero GX.
Not too small over all if you ask me. Definitely high on quality. :D