Maxvorstadt: I`m no American! :-)
Yeah, I was kinda worried that you guys wouldn't get it, but at the same time, I wanted it to be a super password that couldn't be guessed too quickly.
Seeing as the all non-American team got it, I guess it wasn't all that bad.
Maxvorstadt: How was your vacation? i hope you enjoiyed (I guess I wrote this wrong) it. :-)
Absolutely wonderful. I have many a story of the things I've seen.
I considered making a thread about it, but that'd probably be a bit selfish/feed my ego more than is necessary, so if anybody wishes to hear me prattle on about it, just contact me via PM.
Only thing you had wrong there was adding the extra "i" in "enjoyed".
...I'm assuming this means "chocolate banana", but that sounds like a torture device of some sort. O_o