pmcollectorboy: TIS-100 is kicking my ass. Who knew the simple act of adding and subtracting numbers could be so complicated?
PaterAlf: Same here. I was able to complete the first few levels, but after that it gets really complicated. I wish there would be a German manual, I'm not completely sure that I understand what certain commands do.
Here's a bit of basic knowledge of what I've gathered.
MOV--The move command. How to read and write numbers. Examples: MOV Up, Down. Take a number from the node up and move it to the node down. MOV Left, ACC. Take a number from the node left and place it in the ACC. MOV 8, Down. Pass the specific number 8 to the node down.
ADD--Add a number to the ACC. ADD ACC adds the number in ACC to itself, effectively doubling the number. ADD Left adds the number coming in from the left node to the ACC.
SUB--Subtract a number from the ACC. All the rules that apply to ADD are the same for SUB.
SAV--Saves the number in ACC to the temporary BAK memory.
SWP--Swap command. Swaps the ACC and the BAK.
Label:--The label command. Labels seem to be tied with jumps. Any string of letters can be made a label if it comes before a colon. Any commands after that label will be executed within that label.
JMP--The jump command. Jump straight to the label after JMP.
JEZ--Jump equal to zero. Read the number in ACC and if it is equal to zero, jump to the label after JEZ.
JGZ--Jump greater than zero. Read the number in ACC and if it is greater than zero, jump to the label after JGZ.
JLZ--Jump less than zero. See above.
This all seems very basic, but it's easier said than done. There's probably way more to this game, and I'm not as clever as some of these other coding geniuses. If anyone knows more about this game, feel free to add.