hummer010: Whew! That's one big download. With my craptacular internet, I should get to play sometime on the weekend.
Thanks again! I'm looking forward to trying Skyrim.
friendofcabbage: go to skyrim nexus, there's a few graphics and performance mods that'll vastly improve your experience
Cool, thanks. I haven't played an Elder Scrolls game since Morrowind. When Oblivion came out, I was in a bit of a "holier than thou" Linux only stage of things. I've relaxed considerably on the Linux-only thing in the last couple of years, but I've just never justified the $ for either Oblivion or Skyrim. I'm definitely looking forward to it.
This could be a problem though. I kind of personally committed myself to playing Witchers 1 & 2 before 3 came out. I've also got Risen 1&2 and Two Worlds 1&2 on the back burner. So many games, so little time.