stg83: A few other exchanges are missing as well like the ones I had with tinyE, but nothing of real import was lost there though. ;)
DampSquib: I don't think ive had the pleasure of verbal sword play with him, he does appear on my gift list.
So the exchange was're welcome.
So i'd fall under the no great loss too :P
Chat is wretched, seems a big ask to swallow this stuff down with no firm date on anything/ if at all being fixed.
More holes than a 1$ canoe.
pimpmonkey2382.313: Hey would you want that might and magic code as another thank you for the paradox pack?
DampSquib: Many thanks for the offer, but i own most rpgs on gog :)
Merged...uh i hate that.
You're welcome man, and thank you again also. :)