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low rated
Thanks for bearing with us in this thread. We’d like to announce that today we’ve introduced the addition of new installers, with implemented GOG Galaxy client.

Like Destro described it back in May, we decided to separate the „new" and „classic” installers, for your choice. So if you don’t care about the features like achievements or cloud-saves and don’t want to use GOG Galaxy, you can download the „Classic Game Installer", just like it was handled before. For games that have new installers, the default download view on „My account” will show the "GOG Galaxy Game Installers" - you will notice that, as it is visibly described in „My account” game view. To download the „classic” ones, just go to „Options" and choose „Classic Installers”.

The new GOG Galaxy Game Installers were added to +100 games - a selection of all games that make use of GOG Galaxy features. I'll post the current list of games with the new installers in a separate post.
Going forward, all new games that will use GOG Galaxy features, will now receive both GOG Galaxy Game Installer and Classic Game Installer.

Introduction of GOG Galaxy Game Installers doesn’t change anything in terms of keeping the Classic Game Installers up to date. As soon as we receive an update for any game, we will prepare an updated version of the classic installer, just like it was done in the past.

Edit: Pinned.
Post edited July 06, 2017 by fables22
high rated
trusteft: Are you sure about these two groups? If the vast majority of people choose to use Galaxy, why trick people into installing it? Since the client is so good that most people want it, wouldn't it make more sense to just let the time pass, months?, till everyone is using the client?
I don't buy it that most people use and want to use the Galaxy client.
I have no doubt that their number increased (people who installed the client) after getting tricked to install it, but that's about it. IMO.
But if that's the case, that just makes it an even more stupid decision. People who want Galaxy, or don't care either way, don't need to be tricked into installing it - for them, a checkbox that's ticked by default would be just fine. For people who actively don't want Galaxy, all this will do is annoy them and drive them away from the company - and if they make up a significant proportion of the userbase, that could do serious damage to GOG's business.

What's more, this approach hasn't worked for Microsoft - despite their near-monopoly and use of outright malware tactics in pushing Windows 10, it still only has around half the market share of W7. It definitely discouraged people from trying W10 who might have installed it otherwise (I know, because I was one of them). So I have no idea why GOG would think it could work for them.

Of course, it could be that Gersen has a point and changing the installers is simply too much work from GOG's POV. Yet they're apparently willing to take the time and effort to make 2 different installers for each game... it makes no sense to me. Admittedly I know nothing about web design or GUIs or anything like that; perhaps the solutions people are proposing are more complicated than they sound?
low rated
DebbieL: Yet they're apparently willing to take the time and effort to make 2 different installers for each game... it makes no sense to me.
Creating two installers is mostly just running a script twice with slightly different settings, it doesn't take that much work.

Concerning changing the installer, it depends the tools they are using, so are easy to customize while others not so much; but I wouldn't be surprised if, like it's apparently the case for the forum, the person who originally did the installer template is no longer working for Gog and nobody has yet been "brave" enough to try tamper with it :).

EDIT: There is also the fact that this template is used for all the installers of all the games released on Gog, so if they screw it up while modifying it it will have a huge impact, so they are probably not very keen on doing it regardless of whenever it's easy or not.
Post edited July 13, 2017 by Gersen
trusteft: Are you sure about these two groups? If the vast majority of people choose to use Galaxy, why trick people into installing it? Since the client is so good that most people want it, wouldn't it make more sense to just let the time pass, months?, till everyone is using the client?
I don't buy it that most people use and want to use the Galaxy client.
I have no doubt that their number increased (people who installed the client) after getting tricked to install it, but that's about it. IMO.
DebbieL: But if that's the case, that just makes it an even more stupid decision. People who want Galaxy, or don't care either way, don't need to be tricked into installing it - for them, a checkbox that's ticked by default would be just fine. For people who actively don't want Galaxy, all this will do is annoy them and drive them away from the company - and if they make up a significant proportion of the userbase, that could do serious damage to GOG's business.

What's more, this approach hasn't worked for Microsoft - despite their near-monopoly and use of outright malware tactics in pushing Windows 10, it still only has around half the market share of W7. It definitely discouraged people from trying W10 who might have installed it otherwise (I know, because I was one of them). So I have no idea why GOG would think it could work for them.

Of course, it could be that Gersen has a point and changing the installers is simply too much work from GOG's POV. Yet they're apparently willing to take the time and effort to make 2 different installers for each game... it makes no sense to me. Admittedly I know nothing about web design or GUIs or anything like that; perhaps the solutions people are proposing are more complicated than they sound?
Welcome to life.
Where humans repeat well documented mistakes, thinking that they are going to not fail because they are better/more clever.
I stand by my post.
Post edited July 13, 2017 by trusteft
KasperHviid: IMHO:
Simply disgusting.
high rated
I use the GOG Downloader so nothing has really changed for me -I only have the classic installers. And I don't think clicking "More" in the download page is a big deal. But come on, GOG, hiding the checkbox for Galaxy (and any other reference that it is being installed) under the Options section just screams bad practice. This is not the kind of trick you want to be associated with.
Post edited July 13, 2017 by Caesar.
So it's here, huh. I can't even be bothered to find out and check for myself. I'll find out eventually.
Shame, gog, shame.
high rated
Quoted from [url=][/url]

I wrote a lengthy post to the support center about this new galaxy policy and forcing it on users. The reply I got amounted to:

"My apologies for this inconvenience. In your library, please click on Darkest Dungeon, then click on "More" and select "Classic Installers" for a regular download."

Glad my message came through clearly ugh. I even included links to the thread and the wishlist item in my message. Steam is looking a lot less onerous these days.
Post edited July 13, 2017 by jcdenton11
Re the matter of why this thread isn't stickied, perhaps one of us should start a "how to avoid the not-so-optional client" thread, and those of us who give a shite can make a point of keeping it on the front page.
high rated
I share the concern of this thread's participants. Just wanted to say that. Management, I'm just one more customer that actually cares and will dump you should you start to get on my nerves. Clients are a freaking joke for people who don't know that operating systems already come with file browsers. The Apple generation. One button make thing go wow. They're a cheap, redundant non-solution to capture your clientele and serve them advertisement at every program start, an intrusive noise nobody needs.

I can browse my PC perfectly well with its inbuilt software, thank you.
elcook: As febles22 wrote in her post, Classic Game Installers will be kept up to date, like it was done before, along the GOG Galaxy Game Installers.
I want to believe!

(So please don't disappoint ;))

Just for the information. Adaliabooks has updated his great script adalia fundamentals to support the new download structure. You will also be able to set the default download link to the classic installers if you like. I am quite sure that you all already know where to find it but in case not just click here.
Post edited July 14, 2017 by MarkoH01
low rated
Meezl: Clients are a freaking joke for people who don't know that operating systems already come with file browsers.
File browsers are a freaking joke for people who don't know that operating systems already come with command shell.
just to check with you guys. is your games account/download page showing classic (non-Galaxy) installers for those games that you selected classic installers previously (by selecting the MORE -> CLASSIC INSTALLERS option previously)?

After selecting the classic installers last week for some of my games i noticed the following statement today in my download page: The above installer does not include GOG Galaxy - our optional client which makes it easy to manage your GOG library and keep your games up to date.

and they no longer show the GOG GALAXY GAME INSTALLERS for those games.

it still shows the GOG GALAXY GAME INSTALLERS for those games that i did not select the CLASSIC INSTALLERS option previously (so not an account wide default option) but it's better than nothing
Post edited July 14, 2017 by direspirefirewire
direspirefirewire: just to check with you guys. is your games account/download page showing classic (non-Galaxy) installers for those games that you selected classic installers previously (by selecting the MORE -> CLASSIC INSTALLERS option previously)?
No, not unless this was just implemented. After reading your post I checked with Pillars of Eternity. It defaulted back to the Galaxy installers after I closed the game page in my library, so not sticking to classic installers for me.
GR00T: No, not unless this was just implemented. After reading your post I checked with Pillars of Eternity. It defaulted back to the Galaxy installers after I closed the game page in my library, so not sticking to classic installers for me.
Ah! i'm really disappointed. i logged out and relogged in again and yep, it defaults back to the GOG GALAXY GAME INSTALLERS once again.


sorry to get your hopes up :(
high rated
direspirefirewire: Ah! i'm really disappointed. i logged out and relogged in again and yep, it defaults back to the GOG GALAXY GAME INSTALLERS once again.


sorry to get your hopes up :(
No worries. The last remnant of my hope died when I saw how GOG actually implemented their 'opt-out' in the Galaxy-laden game installers.