Momo1991: Why doesn't anyone ask for bundle keys in this thread anymore? Too cheap for you guys? What? I used to gift here a lot but now everyone asks for expensive games which I can't even afford to buy for budget allows me to buy bundles and to gift freaking ask for those games already!
Gonna try my luck with something not so popular around here:
Blue Rose ( Desura key ) from the new Monday Indie Gala ( that's the only stuff i'm interested from that bundle ). I love visual novels, but i miss a lot of them.
Thanks in advance.
As for why people don't ask for bundle stuff...look around at the people that are asking. I can't afford a lot of the AAA titles ( just like you ), but being patient and a goddamn bargain hunter, i get the game that i really want in sales. And even then, my budget hurts like hell.