Tiny bump : hehe :P
Would really appreciate it if anyone has spare keys from HIB or IndieGala:
I'm interested in the games which happen to be on sale on steam but keys are decent!
Have been a fan of indie so long! ^_^
- The Basement Collection
- The Binding Isaac + DLC
- Super Meat boy
- A Game Of Dwarves
- World of Goo
- Bit.Trip
- The Ship ^_^
- AudioSurf
- Cubemen
- Shank
Indie fan for all indie games, but these are the ones I remember that are from bundles, don't want anyone paying more than that for me :)
Steam Only
- JustCause2
- Gmod , Want to launch into space!!!! :D
-Terraria , Minecraft fans!
- Lucius !!!!!! XD
- Toki Tori
There are new titles such as Don't starve, but way too much, I can't convince myself to take any. They're really good, you should enjoy them yourself.
Japanese Art (widely known as anime) Games:
Only can think of two titles:
Analogue: A Hate Story
I'm sure there's more
I seriously don't understand why people hate these games, and really want to try them to see why. Looks great. Not an anime fan either.
Thanks for everythin!